Way to check E-loan more than once?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by boden11, Jan 19, 2002.

  1. boden11

    boden11 Well-Known Member

    I checked my score on eloan a while back, but every time I go back to their webpage it gives me the same score (calculated from the old report). Is there anyway to get a new score?? (Possibly just making a new account?) And the Eloan score is the same as the TU one also>?
  2. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    You could try deleting all the cookies from your browser and then go back and see if it will let you open a new account. I doubt it will though.
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member


    ELOAN pulls a HARD inquiry on your report.
  4. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    It is supposed to be a soft inquiry. They say it is supposed to be soft, it was soft for me.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    It was a HARD for a lot of CEDITNETERS...changed to SOFT...or removed totally...
  6. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    They made a HARD INQ on my EQF file last May, but they deleted it upon dispute without any hassle.

    It motivated me to get my act together, so it was worth it.
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I got my score last summer, but couldn't remember my username or password. Today, I created a new account. You have to change your username.
    Also, they say the score comes from creditxpert. Isn't that equifax? Has anyone had their score with eloan taken from TU?
  8. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    ELoan is TU - there is an option where you can sign up and get an equifax report, but you have to wait until they send you your member number.

    I did get mine today and it shows 674, odd considering in the mail I got my report from TU and it shows 699.

    Creditexpert pulls Experian.

  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    That is very odd. I did it today and got a 687. But, my TU score is only 621. It is the worst of my scores because of the positive accounts they deleted that I am still trying to get put back on.
  10. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Eloan using EQuifax, I got my score and had a soft on equifax just 2 weeks ago.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I just went back to Eloan, and you are 100% correct. This was taken from their site after I got my score.

    Please note: Your credit score was based on a TransUnion credit report, whereas this free report is from Equifax. Although these reports are usually similar, there are often differences. Therefore, you may not see items described in your credit score analysis on this report. To order a TransUnion report for a fee, contact them directly.

    Well now I am really thrilled. 687. Creditxpert says their scores are used by 3 of the tpp 5 lenders. Too bad they don't say which ones.

    Well, if this is correct, 700 here I come.
    Equifax 695
    TU 687
    Experian 652
  12. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Ok, so the Eloan scores that come from TU are more correct than the actual TU scores? If this is is correct, then the Eloan score I got says 566 and the TU score says 545. That would be wonderful!
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I have no idea which is closer to correct. I chose to believe that eloan is correct because it is higher and I prefer that. LOL
  14. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    That's good enough for me, LKH! My score is 566! Thanks. LOL
  15. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    By the way, my privacy guard report says my score is 569 and that supposedly comes from Experian. Credit expert says 522. I think I like the Privacy Guard one better. Anybody know anything about Privacy Guard?
  16. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    ARrrrggggg. I'm very confused now. I thought eloan gave equifax scores.
  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Go to eloan. Logon, go to your score page and click on the "get your free credit report" link. The next page near the top on the right hand side will be in red "notice" or something to that effect. It then will say which report was used for your score.
  18. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    Oh, geez! That's right. It IS trans union.
    Now I guess I'll go to myFICO & purchase scores to see where I'm REALLY at.
  19. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    I'm even better off than I thought! Woo hoooo!!!!!!
    I'm grateful for this thread!!!!!!
  20. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    I checked my score on e-loan a few days ago. Since I did not put in a credit card number to ID myself it asked me to put in an account number that may appear on my Experian report. I have no experian report so I put in an account number from my Equifax and it took me to my report. It states on the report, which I printed, that this is based on CreditXpert score.

    Interesting, the report on E-Loan is 121 points higher than my TU report(only one I have with score). Seems like a very big difference to me, it that unusal?

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