Question, how many cap 1 cards can I have? I had a MC, and VISA, which Mr. Cooke just recently combined for a $2600.00 limit (he said he couldnt do platinum until I was over 4000) Another Question, I just got approved for 2 more cap 1 cards both visas, $49.00 deposit for 500 limit. If I call Mr. Cooke (he said if I got any more cards to call him) and have him rasie the limits on both the new cards to $800.00, which will be 1600.00 respectivly, and then in 6 months, combine them with my recently combined visa, the limit will be 4100.00. Does this sound realistic? My BK7 was discharged Sept 01....Is there any limit to the # of secured cards you can have with CAP 1? BTW, Mr. cooke has been unsecuring them after 6 months. Any input, am I doing the right thing to get a platinum card?
One time I had one secured M/C,one unsecured M/C and one Unsecured Visa with Capital One. Total 3 cards with Cap1 and they didn't say the max amount of cards that you can have. Ron.
I was told by Capital One that 3 is the max. Obviously if you combine, that opens up an opportunity to acquire 1 more and if you continue to combine, you could probably keep getting them. direct
For what it's worth, a good friend has 4 Cap One accounts, all with LOCs of around $500 each. He plans to combine them but hasn't yet. I myself have two -- a regular Cap One VISA classic (now $3200 LOC, at 9.9% fixed) and a Cap One K-mart MasterCard Gold (now $2700 LOC but $200 more LOC for K-mart purchases, at 11.9% fixed for purchases and 19.9% for cash advances). I would like to combine them, but so far they've consistently told me they can't combine the K-mart branded card with any other product. Doc
Arobinson, Is it possible to combine all the cards and get one Cap One platinum even if you have a BK7 in your credit report? Some creditnet members say they can get it upgraded to platinum with the BK7 showing and others say no. I would like to hear from creditnet members that have gotten the upgrade with a BK7 My combined limits will reach 5k in august but I have a BK7 from Jan 1998 I wonder if I won't be able to upgrade to platinum?????? Anybody asked Mr Cooke about this??
The BK7 is no problem, MR. Cooke said he didnt care about my BK, and he said as soon as my limits were total of 4000 or more, he could combine, and upgrade to the 9.9. That's what I am shooting for by June, and just today I applied for another cap1 Card, and was approved yet again for another 500 dollar card with a 49.00 deposit. So that will make 4 cards. So, once I get the 2 newest cards, and have Mr. Cooke raise the initial limit, I will wait 6 months, get a deposit refund, and combine.... This sort of reminds me of the citibank thing everybody's doing, (only for subprime!) and lower limits!! Just keep on applying (they pull Experian for me) get the card, dispute the inquiry (it always gets deleted) and do it over and over, I imagine in about 2 years, you could have a 10k limit??? Just a thought.
Arobinson - Have you ever asked Mr. Cooke if he could offer you the card without the deposit? Especially considering it seems like you have a good history with them.
you know, I've never asked for an unsecured card up-front...I've always waited 6 months before asking to unsecure....maybe I'll ask him when I call him when the cards arrive.. I don't want to appear too greedy...I'd much rather have the instant 300-400 increase and keep the card secured for 6 months, then to have him unsecure it and keep the CL the same... I am greedy...but I don't want to appear too greedy and have him think I am taking advantage of him...while he is ALWAYS nice, I don't want to wear out my welcome by asking TOO much... What would you do??
Thanks for the info Arobinson. Mr Cook will upgrade at 4k???? I thought you had to wait till you hit 5k. That's cool that the bk7 will not stop us from getting a platinum card. Let us know when you get your platinum card.
From what Arobinson has said, I'd say yes. Don't bother going through regular customer service. PFB Mr. Cooke a letter.
I am $650 away from having a combined credit line of 4k. My next increase is in February. Once I get the increase should I ask Mr Cook for the upgrade?
Yes, Mr. Cooke told me 4k was when he could upgrade my card, I don't know if it is different with everybody, but I have heard 5k with some people, so I dont know how he figures it out... But he OBVIOUSLY has more power than even the managers, and retention. It's funny though, whenever I call customer service and ask for things, they usually put a supervisor on the phone, and ask me what they can do, and when I ask for CL increases, they say no, and I say, thats no prob, I'll just have my buddy Mr. Cooke increase the lines, and they act like they've never heard of him...I've had reps say who is that, and I tell them. I always get treated good but regular CS can't do ANYTHING!!
Good luck Arobinson !!!! I am due for the increase next month and I will ask if I can be upgraded. Worst case scenario is NO. Too bad I can't combine my Kmart Mastercard because I would be at $4550 combined limit right now. I am sitting at $3350 credit line between my gold visa and classic mastercard, $650 away from $4k Once I reach my goal of getting a Capital One Platinum card I don't want to bother Mr Cook anymore unless I get rotten service from the reps or they screw around with my terms.
Isn't cap1 now giving platinum cards with a starting credit limit of as little of $500? I think I read that here on some posts a week or so ago.
I will let u know in a few days..They approved me for a Platinum card last week...Back in Dec they told me that the best they could offer me was a secured card..$200 deposit for a $200 limit (HA) 2 weeks later there is a offer in the mail for a plat card..Called and they said I was approved....The plat offer was the only one that I have ever recieved from Cap One.. Wierd huh..
LKH, Cap 1 started to give Platinium cards with the minimum credit line $500 and 14.9% APR. It has annual fee 39. The Platinium card used to give out to the people with good credit. It look like Cap1 need money too. I got three offers from them and I trashed them all. 16pts to 700 club. Ron.
I just applied last week with one of those offers. My status is "no decision has been made yet" so probably a decline. What are your scores?
i have one card with them with a 500 limit that they increase in dec from 200 they sent me there"gold" card in oct with a 300 limit can i get a increase or should i apply for another card?
It's only been 3 months since you opened your gold account. If you've been good with it ( no lates or o/l's ), PFB Mr. Cooke, he'll probably raise your limit. If not, the apply for another.