Amex Blue, I believe is 680 (their internal score). Most prime cards score requirements range between 650-680 (some maybe higher or lower, but that's the average). But, just remember that several other factors are taken into consideration - income, derogs, debt ratio, etc. Dani The Oakland Raiders were robbed last night.
They were robbed!! I cannot believe the refs reversed the fumble call. Hopefully either the Ravens or Steelers will pummel them.
I can only hope so. I don't know if the refs were blind or just senile. But they weren't helping the Raiders one bit - on the first drive by Oakland they said Brown didn't have the first down which he clearly did, so we had to punt. Secondly, there should have been two past interference calls against the Patriots that were completely ignored, and last but not least that fumble, which the refs stated was an incomplete pass. The refs must have been Patriot fans. Dani PS Sorry, I know this isn't about credit, but jeez I am so ticked.
Anybody going to New Orleans for the super bowl? We could have a CreditNet offline super bowl party! By the way, anyone know of any Prime Credit Card cutoff scores?
Rules are rules, arms going forward, incomplete pass! What can you do but play the game according to the rules, just like how all of us here are playing the credit game according to their rules. Anyway, it's best that Oakland didn't go. I like them and don't want them get destroyed by Pittsburg. hth
BTW, I got my $10K Citi card when my score was 606. I applied when I noticed this board announcing Citi was practically handing them out, kinda like the recent wave with the Target Visa. (Report was clean, tons of inquiries, had all tradelines: mortgage, installment (car), 4 CCs, and a couple of retail at time of approval) tht
SNIFF,SNIFF.Those poor little sore losers! Don't worry though, THE STEELERS will take care of them all (With their hands tied behind their backs!) <<<<<< WAVING MY TERRIBLE TOWEL>>>>>>>