I see many people ask many questions that could easily be answered with a search engine. Maybe I am just in a "mood", but if you found Creditnet it seems you could easily find this info using one. http//www.google.com
Hahahaha!! I think you are in a "mood" - wanna come sit by my fire and sip some hot cocoa? The question about Ohio SOL is a biggie, and Ohio law is very complex, and difficult to read. The question has been asked repeatedly, with different answers each time. The major websites for this type of thing all have different answers.
I would love that Breeze. It is CCCOOOOOOOLLLLD here. I have a fireplace but no wood. I got a nice tree in the back yard...hmmmmmm
I kinda like the smell of a "real" fire. It is different I guess. My MIL has gas fireplaces, it doesn't seem right to me that you can flick a switch and have a fire. It seems pretty Jetson's to me. Now...if I could just get that robot maid that they had I would be all set. Oh and the machine that pops out meals to.
Oh I agree about the smell of a wood burning fire. But when I bought my house they had two boxes to check , number 1 said -handyman, number 2 said -couch potato .... can you guess which one I checked?
I have tried several search engines and dug through many sites trying to find this information. I've been trying to find this out for over a month now, but unfortunately, I can't find anything about credit card SOL in Ohio. It's all listed as written, oral and promissory. Some places show nothing for open accounts and some show 4 yrs. And I can't find anywhere that tells me if Ohio considers credits cards open or written accounts or something else.
Oh wow! well around here, they sell firewood by the bundle. $2.99 will buy enough for a night's fire. We buy it by the cord - a fire every night. No beach, gotta do something, hehe. Someone should invent a "fireplace" scented spray for gas fireplaces, hehe.
My parents (who have a wood burning fireplace) purchase it by the cord too. Ugh ~ talk about back breaking work. I don't have a beach either. But the casino's keep me happy. Someone should REALLY invent a fireplace smell for those fireplace video tapes they sell!