I just got off the phone with Mr. Cooke, consumer advocate for Cap1. He combined both of my Cap1 cards and gave me a gold card cl of $1500, removed my annual membership fee, and reduced my interest rate from 19.8% to 13.9%. Thanks to the members of the board for all your help in helping me to rebuilding my credit.
Good for you. Just keep paying your cap1 the right way for 4-6 more months and Mr. Cooke can raise your limit another thousand or 2.
my cl limits were $500 & $500. I also have a Cap1 Kmart gold with $2500 cl...I guess I should have asked about combining that one also
I PFB'd on Friday, last week, and haven't heard anything from anybody, including Mr. Cooke. CE did notify me that they had reveiwed my credit report. But as of yet, nothing. Should I call? Or just wait? Calmest_LA
You know, maybe I'm just a renegade and a troublemaker, but both times I've spoken with Cap One's Office of the Consumer Advocate (the first time with Mr. Miller, and the second time with Mr. Cooke), I simply just picked up the phone and called them. I didn't bother to send a public letter saying how badly they wronged me, etc., via PlanetFeedback.com. Now, of course, I have nothing against sending PFB letters, so I hope nobody's misinterpreting me and thinks I'm "dissing" anybody who went that route, lol. I'm just informing the group here that I never bothered with the PFB letters, and I had GREAT results regardless -- my last call was just a couple of weeks ago, and Mr. Cooke lowered my APR to 9.9% fixed (down from 12.9%) and raised my LOC another $1000 (to $3200). I can't imagine that a public PFB flogging would have netted me anything additional, but I could be wrong I guess. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to jot down this phone number regardless -- 1-800-955-1455. Doc
I PFB also on last Friday and I received an email from Cap1, Mr. Cooke for me to contact him on Monday. Here is the number for Mr. Cooke 800-955-1455 and ask to be transferred to the office of consumer advocate. I had my accounts for at least 1 year and would have never found out about this information if it wasn't for the board...Thank you
yes, mr. cooke is helping my dh with his two charged off accounts also. these are two of his major negs and it will be a great help. we did the pfb thing and it worked.
I disagree Doc, but only partly. I agree with almost every post you ever make except the ones where you are protecting your "family" members. You know, the Lexington/CreditNet family. A public flogging is unnecessary in the case of Mr. Cooke, but PFB is still the best way to reach out to him. PFB is commonly used by many as a sounding board for complaints, but PFB welcomes accolades as well. I think it's safe to say that Mr. Cooke and Cap1 would appreciate compliments being posted on PFB and if the positive comments are sincere, I think that he would be that much happier to talk to you. Just my .02 as what pbm referred to as someone who "does not enjoy a good reputation on this board"
When I PFB Mr. Cooke, I don't make a public message. I contact him via PFB so he has a few moments to look at the account. Common courtesy.
Yeah...when I called him today, he answered "Eugene Cook" Has anyone combined their Kmart Gold Cap1 with other Cap1 cards?