Just wondering I paid 2 collections accounts and now I was just wondering if I could do anything,maybe send some sort of letter to have them deleted.If someone has had the same problem and knows what to do in this situation please reply.Thanks
yes a few of us have had luck having these removed. I suggest that you do a search of the board to gather more information. I had a paid collection removed that was 4-5 years old. I disputed this collection with the CRA and at the same time I disputed it with the collection agency. Work both angles at the same time. Then if you have a detrimental reason for the account going into collection status, this may help you with the original creditor.
I would try the normal CRA dispute process to start out with. I disputed several paid collections as "Not Mine." They were deleted. I'm guessing the original creditor never bothered to respond because it was a paid collection(off their radar screen). EdG
EVERYTIME I try that it comes back verified. Although one CA who collected on 2 bills (already paid), violated FDCPA twice! So I faxed them a delete it or get sued. They have til Thursday to send me something.
Hey Joer - here's the link to a letter that Doc reccomended. I'm still waiting on mine (They haven't returned the green card yet - sent it on the 5th.) As soon as I find out I'll let you know. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=125081#post125081 Good luck! GT
DFWGT,Thanks for the reply really appreciated.Keep in touch on how that goes.Waiting to here from you.
dfwgt: I sent Doc's letter on 1/10/2002 got an answer right back that the CA is deleting. I worked like a charm. Thanks, Doc Bobbi
I sent a letter (similiar to Doc's) although I had them in a few FDCPA violations, so I quoted the FDCPA and I told them delete or we go to court, did I mention that before cause I feel like I JUST wrote it......I'm going to lay down LOL
I have a piad collection from 95 that keeps coming back verified. Funny thing about it is whenever I dispute it, the bank that it is through pulls a soft inq a few days later and a few more days it comes back verified. go figure
How much was each one of the collections? Can you prove the 2 violations? Why did you pay them again if the bills were already paid.?
I didn't pay them TWICE, I was saying it was a PAID CA. They violated by speaking vto me about hubbys account (we weren't even married at the time) and they didn't send reminder notices about preauthorized checks we set up with them!