Mysteriously deleted from Equifax! I didn't write any letters, I didn't dispute it, I didn't do anything! (not that I'm complaining it was for almost $200). Now that leaves me with 2 paid collections and 1 120 day late on a paid student loan. That is all the negative info on Equifax. I wonder what my new score is....I wonder if I DID get citi? (still too scared to call) WAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO
Yeah!, Pete, Kellie and I have been stressing about this for days now. Kellie and I are taking it well and I think we can make it through the waiting period...but Pete is really starting to lose it, Erica...For Pete's sake, please make the call. -Peace, Dave PS oh yea congrats on the deletion.
No Citi. Too many new cards in 12 months and not enough history. He said that that was the number one reason. SHould I go to PFB for reconsideration now? NOW do you know why I didn't want to call? Rejected!