Hopefully I can type while I do the happy dance....after 1 1/2 to 2 years of disputing a stupid, stupid, stupid PAID medical collection dating from 1996 (!) (and having it verified like AT LEAST 7 or 8 times--'tho it seems like a million)--I checked today after disputing the beginning of January and its adios, aloha, cya, so long, gone, erased, never-was, don't-let-the-door-hit-you-in-the-ass-while-you're leaving-NOT THERE! Now, for those of us who always wondered just how much one collection can hurt your score--with most things being equal: I went from 654 in December to 701 five minutes ago---that's right--47 POINTS--I repeat F-O-R-T-Y S-E-V-E-N P-O-I-N-T-S--with the deletion of one--and THE ONLY one--piece of negative information. 'Scuse me--I need a drink.... ....cheers.... David (sipping on a cold one) (now doing the quite happy dance--so as not to wake the children)
BAH HUMBUG. Doc P.S. David, just kidding. Congratulations are deserved, happy dance or no happy dance!