For those of you with credit expert, do you think its worth the money? My worst report is EXP and I am going to start the process of cleaning it up and was wondering it creditexpert worth it? Does it allow you to dispute online? I read the achives and i seen people dispute inquires, but what about chargeoffs and late payments. thanks
No doubt Credit Expert is worth it. They are not perfect, but it is worth the fee. You can view your updated score and report daily and you can dispute online. Definitely well worth it. I wish the other CRAs operated the same way.
I agree. CreditExpert rocks. I have disputed several things online and it is cool because you can check the results online, too. I look at mine sometimes two times a day. I love it.
Credit Expert is definitely worth the money. You have a double whammie because it's the report you want to clean up. Instant Access and as much as you want. Can't beat that. Mike G.
I love it also. I've raised my score from 540 (Dec 29,01) to 586 (today). I've done many disputing and some have come sooner than the 30 days required. Now, I'm just waiting to be in the 600's. Hopefully, soon.
I just joined Creditexpert. I am confused as to the differences in the 3 CRA's. I am 504 EQ and 600 EXP. They are showing basically the same accounts.
If experian wont let you do a dispute because they have already investigated it online, does anyone know if you can get around this with creditexpert? thanks?
It is not necesary to register to CreditExpert to see your report. You can see an updated report everytime you enter to Experian and click "Initiate an investigation"
You are not alone in your confusion. The Equifax score from (if thatâ??s where you received it) is the only true FICO score we can get as consumers (I believe). FICO tends to be the standard by which all of us are measured in the real world. The Experian (CreditExpert) score and other scores you may get from TU or other scoring companies, use different formulas than the FICO (Fair Isaac) model. It is best to use other these scores as a gauge against your current situation towards improvement, and not as a gauge or to rely on for loan approval etc. -Peace, Dave
It has been a long time since I had CreditExpert...but no, if I remember correctly, CreditExpert simply uses Experian's report and dispute system. As George said send in the dispute via mail, fax, or phone. BTW as far as to "worth it" I think it is worth the free trial but I will not pay the CRA $80/year to monitor my information that THEY report. If you have trouble on EQ and TU you have to pay them also...ridiculous for $80/year. I liked the CE system but for $80 bucks/year they are asking consumers to fork over a bit much to monitor 1 CRA. -Peace, Dave
I disputed FIRST USA (EXPERIAN) MUST state a DOLLAR amount...not N/A for credit limit... ANSWER~~~REMAINS Tried to dispute it again...REFUSED DISPUTE...(on-line) AMEX BLUE WAS REMOVED TOTALLY (TOTAL ACCOUNT)...same request...