I'd like any 700 or 800 club members to post exactly how ( and when) they started from and where their at now Please tell us how you got any postive tradelines going, how many cards(CC) you got which ones ect......whatever info you think would be a good help to us in the 400 or 500 club ......I'm like 17 days into a dispute...so i'm planning my next move This waiting sux Any positive stories would be helpful. Or any stories of "what not to do" would be great to bare in mind to. I'd like to thank everyone who posts on this board. I thank god I found creditnet.com....... Me
phxbbw6ft1, I started building credit my last year of high school. I was taking college courses and applied for a Discover card. I got approved for a $1200 credit line. After that, I was having a field day I applied and got approved for First Financial, MBNA, Hechts, Helig Meyers, The Associates. During my sophomore year in college I had close to ten credit cards (half I didn't even use). I did always pay my bills on time though. After two years of making the minimum payments on three of my credit cards (all the others were paid off) I took out a personal loan to pay off the remaining balances and close the accounts. I have only one card today from those ten credit cards - Hechts (my oldest credit line). After paying off the personal loan, I purchased a new truck with the same local bank that approved me for my personal loan. In 1999, I applied for Belk and CompUsa (I was up to 3 cards now) and in December of that year I applied for Amex Blue. Amazingly enough, I was approved. Discover Classic came a year later. In 2001 I got Juniper and my mortgage. Basically, I just attribute my success (or just plain luck) to paying on time and not applying for a lot of credit. I have three major credit cards now and three retail cards. I want no more. Also, just maintaining good relationships with the creditors I have - credit line increases, lower interest rates, etc. As of January 13, my FICO (actual) score was 746. I hope to get to 800 by December, but we'll see. Hope this helps. Dani
Phx, My TU score is 725. With that score I have applied for and received a Chase MC 6K limit, and Eddie Bauer Gold MC, Best Buy 2K limit. I was able to get all negs removed from my TU report. All collection, late pays, ect gone! My strategy, dispute everything. I caught TU fudging investigations and busted them. I sent them the proceedures letter reminding them they had 15 days to get the information to me. They tried to send me a letter on the 12th day telling me they were starting an investigation. I went to my local magistrate and filed a complaint. Detailing all of my dealings with them and a time line. A few days later I received an updated report completely clean. The result: they had to remove everything! My Equifax score was 472 in 1999. I ordered my reports and began disputing. I searched the web and read and reread every credit repair site I could find. I ordered the evaluation from Carreon and Associates, which was VERY helpful if I might add. The technique was simple dispute-negotiate-settle. I disputed everything, what came back verified, I asked for proceedures used to verifiy. Then I wrote the companies and found out Equifax didn't contact them. Busted! I have to point out Equfax is the easiest to deal with (in my opinion). I disputed, they basically removed. In a 2 year period I went from 472 to 680. All negs are removed. The only thing keeping me from reaching 700 is a paid off car loan with Chrysler Financial. I have 15 30 day late pays on the loan. If I could get that removed I know I would hit 700. I have to point out that ALL my collection accounts were past 4 years old, the sol had expired. Experian, thorne in my side! I live in an affilate area, so 95% of creditors pull Exp for me. By far my worst report! Score 610. I have a charge off from Cap One, Gulf State Credit, and the late Chrysler Paid loan(15 30 day late notations). A few late pays on my Electric bill but other than that everything is perfect. I think the 2 charge offs and the PAID Chrysler account is hurting my score tremendously. The good thing is the 2 charge offs come off this year. If some way I can get the Chrysler Financial tradeline removed I think it will have a HUGE impact on my score, because the loan was paid off completely. Its a long process, there are many highs and lows. I can tell you don't accept the fact that the CRA verified something as accurate. Always send a proceedures letter certified return receipt. Its easier to begin an audit trail from day one. Organize yourself, read and reread every post, know the sol in your state, DO NOT TALK TO THE BUREAUS OR COLLECTION AGENCIES ON THE PHONE. Handle all correspondence via the mail, collection agencies, send ALL correspondence certified return receipt. Send all proceedures to verify letters certified retun receipt, it starts the 15 day clock. All the above worked for me, I think the biggest part of the journey is to figure out what works and what doesn't. Also, don't be afraid to send a collection agency a validation letter. By law, they have to proove the debt. If they don't Nail them!
Dani and Terry......WOW, Thanks so much for posting! Thanks for sharing your "formula" with us. For me the waiting is the hardest...30 days sux! I start getting discouraged. I read threads on here daily. ( what else is there to do while your waiting) But when I look at my 471 scores...I'm like wow, owning a house seems impossible....But after reading posts like yours, it gives me hope Thanks again for sharing , Me