Would there be any reason not to also send this to the CRA? If the creditor did not validate, but the CRA reported it as accurate, wouldn't this be another violation? I cannot afford all those CRRR letters!!!
Evil Christi I still gonna try your letter to get some more of your inquirie remove EVIL WOMAN! Brenda The Filmmaker Smith
Brenda The filmaker Smith- By the way I REALLY hope that your name is not Brenda Smith. There are eyes here ya know... How is she evil? I think that you need to watch what you say about others on the board.
Brenda Christie has been a tremendous resource on this board for myself and many others You state you will use her letter but call her evil? Why?
Brenda the babblemaker posted something very hard to understand (again) and Christi replied with "what cave do these people come from?" Which is very good question, by the way.
The same cave you and her come from. So because she helps gives her right to judge. Is she Christi the god!!! Brenda the Filmmaker Smith
Maybe not. But at least she can spell and doesn't think that she can be the worlds greatest film maker- that started off using credit cards all issued based on "household income". None of which is hers.
Brenda, You say Christi has no right to judge but then YOU turn around and call her evil. Isn't that hypocritical? She Does this mean that now Christi is the evil goddess? lol
I never said I was the world great filmmaker G, Lucas of starwars ,frank cappa "it a wonder life "" And do you know how many filmmaker have done this, Spike Lee,Keivn Smith,Robert Town, Ed Burns I am in good Company. Well alot of people can spell because of gramma problem but go on to do great things. Look I came her not to Flame,not to call people evil,but to get more credit for my Film Co. I am showing no respect to the webmaster of this board by flaming. So I will try very hard to stop. I will move on from the flaming and grow. Brenda The Filmmaker Smith, Come see my movie when it come out.
Re: Inquiry dispute letter worked.. I thought Brenda was trying to compliment Christi -- calling her "evil" in a playful way. As in, Christi, you're so evil that you've come up with a great letter. The context of her remarks certainly doesn't support the idea that she decided to use the letter but really believes that Christi is "evil" as in Satanic, lol. I think we could use a hefty dose of "lighten up" in this case. As for turning the gun on Brenda now, attacking her spelling errors, etc., what's the point of that? Doc
Re: Inquiry dispute letter worked.. Doc, if you read the post about "Christi the God" and Brenda's later "I will stop flaming" post I think the intent is pretty clear. Regardless of intent, though, I think it is time to bring this discussion to a close. There is no sense in disputing amongst ourselves, we have credit files to dispute...
Re: Inquiry dispute letter worked.. No Doc I tell the truth me an christi had problem in another post a few days ago so I was being mean,but I don't want to be that person. I just want to Make films and get credit, help people with tips on credit I got and getting inquiries off I got about 5 off. So I will act like the Pro-filmmaker I am. Brenda The filmmaker Smith
Re: Inquiry dispute letter worked.. Brenda, thanks for coming clean there. mel, looking back here, I did miss that "cave" comment. Hmmm. Brenda, one thing I've learned here is this: Occasionally somebody will really make you angry. At that point, you've got a choice -- you can retaliate, or you can sit back, metabolize it a bit, and then respond with humor. Before you think I'm lecturing you, though, you should know that I've handled these tough situations both ways -- the good way and the bad way -- so I know how easy it is to react that way myself. Just remember that you don't have to respond negatively every time somebody comes out of left field with a nasty remark. Let the softballs fly by and only focus on the hard-core comments you absolutely can't ignore. Well, that's enough for my "tips for better living" for today, lol. I've enjoyed your posts even though you really can't spell worth a darn. You'd better let the associate producer on your films spell the credits, lol! (See, those were softballs. Try to come back with another softball -- call me a quack, whatever. Teasing is ok here, lol.) Doc
Re: Inquiry dispute letter worked.. regardless of evil intent or not this is a great letter and it shows you just how much a motivated person can grow and educate. Aside from credit rehab, the skills you gain from agressively attacking the marks on one's credit report carry over in other areas of life. Thanks Christi! I put the letter to use 2 days ago let us see how hard the CRA's and nosy creditors shake in their boots!