i am a member of this club and i am fighting to get out of it or at least have my cr report reflect that status.... anybody here with hints, ideas suggests please post here. mine was with ge capital/auto finance. other members of the club, declare yourselves( or not)
Diva: You're not alone. Right now I am disputing it with Experian based on inaccuracies. A report on 1/8 has status: repo and then a report on 1/16 has status: open/past due. I am hoping this will work. I know the finance company doesn't have my correct social security number so Experian put the number they have on my report as a social security number variation. I don't know how to get that removed. That's about it. If anyone knows how to get Social Security number variations removed, I would love to hear from you. Bobbi
bobbi, just dispute it as incorrect personal information. state your correct ss# and then say " please remove any variation of my ss#, they are incorrect" i just did that. and it worked....however, you could send a copy of ss card to be sure.
You know what, I just did that and they didn't remove it. Do you think I should try it again? I am totally into fax and copying mode today. Thanks for your help. Bobbi
How long ago did you do it? i would totall do it again, quoting the fcra where it says the stuff about "accuracy" i would also include, something about vulnerability to id theft.
I am about to cry! I thought I was all by myself. I have a repo. ( AA says the first step is to admit). I would like to join this club just don't do me like Bally's did and add a neg to my CR (just kiddin).
I did it the end of December. I got the new report, the weird thing is there were 3 different ss #'s and they deleted 2 of them. Accuaracy according to the FCRA is my favorite quote. I'll send it again and see what happens. I just don't understand how they can verify an incorrect ss#. Thanks Diva, Bobbi
Welcom aboard, Killer. This is a small but elite club, by invitation only. How are you doing disputing your repo? Bobbi
My name is Anna, and I had a repo. ( That felt good!) Luckily, all I did was dispute it as not mine and it came off all 6 (mine and hubby's) reports the first try. It was less than a year old, and was with Americredit. I think they'ree too lazy to verify. ~~~~~Waving my Terrible Towel~~~~~~~
ok guy's my repo is with household, 1999 i have 3 times in 6 months disputed it saying incorrect info please remove. LOL and it is always a no go with the CRA's BUT..... this month someone else has the account and they are trying to collect the original amt of loan before the sale of the car. so i am currently disputing household again saying i have no business w/them currently owned by XXX collections bla,bla. then if it works i will deal with the new collection people. I HOPE. kelly
Kelly: It sounds like a good plan. Keep all of us in the "Repo Club" updated. I found a little item on mine, they are reporting the wrong balance due. I have proof of the correct balance. The bummer is that it is on the repo papers. I am going to send in copies showing correct balance, and cite incorrect/inaccuarate reporting and the fact that this account was not verified as they claim. Wish me luck. Bobbi
ok i am a repo member to from 8/98 and i have always been terrified to dipsute this in fear that they would try to come after me for the diff in what they gor for the car and what i owed.. this is the only item that i never diputed.... should i just leave sleeping dogs lie and wait for 05?
well the sol in il for written contracts is 10yrs omg but i did not have the loan with them it was sold to them about a year after i bought the car
GHONEYHONE, Are you able to obtain a score of 600 with the repo on credit? If yes, then leave it alone. If no, is both the original creditor and CA listed on your CR? If yes, maybe dispute as duplicate? You think removing one will improve your score? I wonder.
killer, please elaborate....i have 600's on two of my cr's with the repo.... sol is 10yrs... no collection activity except an offer to settle about a year ago.... has not been reported, updated in two years
I figure if you are a member of the 600 club with the repo why chance the judgement. With 600 score, you can obtain credit and improve your score. Heck people with no derogs often score in the 600's. This is just my thoughts. On the other hand, if the amount you owe is small, then they probably won't bother with judgement. If the amount is large and worthwhile, the possibility is there. I wonder how high of a score people with repos have managed to obtain. I bet there are people with repos with scores very near 700. I think the key is that the repo is several years old and not both the original creditor and CA reporting. I am still in within SOL but soon it will end. In the mean time, I'm planning my strategy. How close are you to the 10 yrs?