I got a letter today from the schmucks obviously in response to the validation, estoppel and demand letters I sent them starting in August. Here it is: Dear LKH, Thank you for your recent correspondence in reference to the above account. To thoroughly investigate your dispute, we require the following: A. Copy of drivers license or government issued ID B. copy of social security card C. Signature 5 times PLEASE ATTACH THIS FORM WITH YOUR VERIFICATION AND MAIL TO THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. Upon receiving these documents, your account request will immediately addressed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, PORTFOLIO SUPPORT DEPARTMENT Who do they think they are? Firstly, this is another direct violation of the FDCPA for contacting me without validating the debt. Secondly, they claim I owe them, shouldn't they have this info? Why do they want my signature 5 times? So they can forge my signature on something? They need to stop smoking the crack. I'm certainly not sending anything, but I guess I need to send them another letter advising them of their continued violations. The more I think about this the more it pisses me off. They were reporting this and they don't know it is me or not. I should just have them served. I'll call the FTC again and ask about this. What a friggin joke they are.
Signature 5 times? I will not chew gum in class I will not chew gum in class I will not chew gum in class I will not chew gum in class I will not chew gum in class Try that
Jeeez Louise that is ridiculous! I agree with you above it is a clear violation of the FDCPA and you have a paper trail with this letter. Why are they sending you this now? This was removed from the CRA during the "lawsuit" correct? Time to sue Gulf States I say. -Peace, Dave
Hey Dave, No, this was not part of my lawsuit. This came off 2 weeks ago as a result of CHOD. I sent the cra copies of all letters and certified mail receipts re: gulf state along with the letter that pbm added to the letter section. The cra removed it . I sent my first validation on this to gulf state on Augus 18. I sent estoppel at the end of Sept. and a demand letter in November. The only response I got was in Nov. sometime saying the received my request and have verified it and sent it to their dispute dep't. Then said I would hear further soon. Nada. I called the FTC today. They are definitely in violation for: 1)continuing collection efforts prior to validating 2)contacting me without validating. The FTC person actually couldn't believe they were asking me to send this stuff to them. She took my complaint over the phone. I may go ahead and file another complaint with my state banking dep't and the AZ. and Georgia attorneys general.
LKH, the Gulf State bozo's did the same with me. I actually got the "it was our mistake" letter twice and they still mysteriously reappeared on my Equifax file. Got get em' Iv
Yeah, they are a bunch of morons. I haven't decided how to respond yet, besides the complaints. I may just send them another nasty letter telling them to kiss my ass, or I may just have them served with a suit.
LKH- I'm having a blonde moment, have you ever filed against a CA before, if so what was the outcome? If you get a minute could you read my garbage under Advice Please. Thank you soooooo much!
I got the same kind of thing this morning from money control in california. this is after 3 validation letters and an estoppel... what is the FTC number? Kev
Kev - the FTC # is 1-877-FTC-HELP KHM - No I have not pursued a collection agency - yet. I filed a complaint (small claims) against gulf state. I wanted to have it ready in case they again verified it with the cra, which they didn't. I am now debating whether or not I should have them served.
Ohmy!! I think we should develop a letter telling them what idiots they are. And ask for their SSN's and signatures. If it weren't for "the rules" we could do a nice nice telephone campaign. I hear they have lots of numbers, hehe.
Give me one of your pens, 3 copies of your signature and your SS# and I will send you a contract with your signature penned with ink from one of your kitchen pens. LOL Get em LKH -Peace, Dave
Exactly. I have no doubt the reason they want 5 sigs. is so they can forge my sig. onto some sort of contract or document. Gee, maybe I'll send them 10 sigs. so they can make up 2 or 3 contracts.
Oh yes!! Send it signed Mickey Mouse Donald Duck George Washington Abraham Lincoln plenty more... Do them in different colors or one of those gel pens on black paper........ I could embroider one on a napkin.... ...and do send Nave's letter, hehe. "I'll give you mine if you'll give me yours."
LKH, Are you in Georgia??? If so, the department is the Office of Consumer Affairs... Send the collection agency a DEMAND letter for their violations if you want to use the office of Consumer affairs, you have to give them 31 days from the day of receipt to pay up... after that 31 days then you have the right to ask the Office of Consumer affairs to help you. You can start the complaint via telephone and then you send in your docs. they have regulatory power over collection agencies and cras. They can and will enforce the fcra and fdcpa for you and get you a check for the violations... or you can just small claims their assets... If you go small claims, you can file tomorrow, there's no requirement for a demand letter but the OCA will require a demand letter be sent and 31 days more wait after they receive it. Either way this is a slam dunk. They also should've noted your accounts that they were in dispute and they didn't. FCRA violation. If there's no debt then they shouldn't be in your file... FCRA violation. I'd go for a shotgun approach on all counts. HAve you been turned down for anything? better to have some actual damages if you can...
HI Marie, I'm in Arizona. Any idea if the Ga. office of Consumer affairs will still help? As far as gulf schmucks goes, they never put the dispute notation on my report. But I sent the cra a copy of everything I sent to gulf state and it was deleted 2 weeks ago. As far as damages go, I didn't apply for anything until this was deleted. In Arizona, we have no requirement to send a demand letter. I can just file suit and have them served. Depending on if they have an authorized agent in Az., they would have 20 days to respond. If they don't have an agent in Az. and they are served outside of Az., then they would have 30 days to respond. In any event, I think you guys are correct and I should go ahead with a lawsuit. Put these aholes in their place.
Yup. I will so so in the not too distant future. Wait till they see what I have .... This is gonna be fun...
LOL! ...or get 5 friends to sign your name and ask Gulf State if they can pick out which one is the real signature.