Kmart Bankrupt?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    I did not want to come across as overreacting to sam's comment, but it seems the comment was very inappropriate and tasteless and I am hoping that this was not really sam posting that message, because I know in the past, other members have had their ID infiltrated and had people write things using their name that they would not normally write.

    But if it really was sam, then I am shocked at that comment and very disappointed.

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Sorry didn't mean to offend anyone, but in atlanta that is how it is. They have a APD precinct built on to the kmart. Maybe its different elsewhere and my comments don't apply... Btw, i like wal-mart and I AM a minority..
  3. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    I agree, they've really gone down hill. I always find something on my receipt that rings up different than their posted price. There's always junk in the aisles blocking your way (at the one by me). (How come Walmart and Target manage to actually get things stocked and the cartons out of the way?)

    And their sign "If there is more than 3 people in line, we'll open another register until they're all open if necessary" is a bunch of bull. Even though they're posted over every other register. I almost whipped my cell phone out to call the 800 # one day but just let it go.

    The Walmart by me is pretty shabby too, every other cart is busted and rusted, but my Target is pretty clean and decent. I guess it just depends on the management or something.

    Someone should be accountable for the mess.

    Thanks for letting me vent!!!
  4. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Annie, just wanted to say hi, I'm a former SI resident myself.
  5. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    There is a Super Kmart that has the grocery section and I sometimes go there because I can get more food for my money. I am a minority (Latino) and I am not ashamed of shopping at Kmart and I see all kinds of people in there. I agree that the stores should be cleaner and more organized but I save more money by buying groceries there. I do also go to Wal-Mart but the check out lines on the weekends are just as bad as Kmart. Hopefully Kmart will get in better shape and come out of BK. One more thing I forgot to mention, I have the money to shop for groceries at any store I wish to, but I rather save my hard earned money so in about 2 years I can become a homeowner for the first time. Saving money is not that easy but by shopping around and having the right attitude and desire will get anything you want in life.
  6. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    I like Kmart! Always have and shop there when I can.
    I do not consider Kmart a lower class store.
    I was in Atlanta and Sam is correct in his description of Kmart & Wal-Mart.
    At Christmas time they all looked like a war zone.
    They are not that way here.
    Kmart is a very clean and well maintained store.

    The joke of our area Wal-Mart's is if you buy and need parts they will discontinue it so do not buy anything you may need a part for.
    We call it Wal-Mart fall apart.

    I shop allot at Wal-Mart because the nearest Kmart & Target is 45 miles away.

    Out of all 3 Target has the best store in our area.

    It all has to do with management and how each store is stocked and maintained.

    Kmart should have checked out those who are caring their franchises and fired who ever owned them and maybe they would not be where they are today. Bankrupt!

    Vent Time is over

    GEORGE Well-Known Member




    Shop at the grocery store or 7-ELEVEN.
  8. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I agree with NG comment that management should be in control of keeping the store clean and organized, time to start firing !!!!!
  9. EAGLE

    EAGLE Well-Known Member







    I am no fan of Walmart either<no offense George>,

    The last time I was in a Walmart, I headed past

    the service desk where I saw old car batteries

    stacked in a cart, leaking BATTERY ACID, all over

    the floor, really put me in the mood to shop!!!

    Now Target on the other hand is about as close to

    perfection that you can get for a Dept. store,

    I would rate them a 9 out of 10, and thus they get

    al my business for that type of shopping.
  10. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Our local K-Mart is quite messy and very poorly managed. We have a newly built Supertarget which I must say is the Prime (no pun intended) of the group. All I've heard about our Wal-Mart is the sexual relations between the employees in breakrooms, etc, which is disgusting. That store is messy too. I would rate it as follows:

    #1. Target
    #2. K-Mart
    #3. Wal-Mart
  11. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member


    I know the store you're talking about.. Piedmont Ave. in Atlanta. I went there yesterday to buy a for sale sign and I immediately wanted to leave. It's really gone downhill in the last year.

    It's dirty, dimly lit, and there is a bunch of merchandise all over the place. It's a dive. I couldn't find the sign, nobody would help, I decided to get a Pepsi and I waited in line forever to check out. I'll NEVER go there again. It was the worst retail experience I've ever had. Sad. Kmart used to be ok.

    The closest Target is closed right now to become a Super Target or I would've just gone there. Totally different experience.

    You can just tell the Kmart employees don't care a bit about the store and it really shows.
  12. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    OMG Dani!!! You must shop at the KMart near my house! LMAO I worked for KMart during one summer in high school (you know the "Code C" as in shopping cart guy? ;-). Back then it was nice--I didn't have to work too hard, got to flirt with some of the cashiers, free Playboys in the break room (I'm not kidding) and best of all, getting paid IN CASH every week! Not a lot for part time work but it was great for spending money.

    So now fast forward to just last week when I went into the local store with sale paper in hand. Didn't see my sale item on the floor so I asked at the service counter. "Pardon me, I don't see the sale stuff here <pointing to ad> on the floor. Are they someplace else?" To which the clerk replies (without looking up from her nails, "No, we don't got those. The sale stuff this week is seaonal and not guaranteed to come in so don't ask for a rain check." <blink> So of course I can't let that one slide, "Oh really? And just exactly what planet do you live on where TOILET PAPER is a 'seasonal item'?" LOL I went to Target instead.

    The ONE really nice thing about the local KMarts is that they have the self-checkout lanes and since most of the (no offense) older, over 65, crowd around here don't like computers, there's never anyone tying them up :)
  13. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    HI YA Killer!

    Hey Killer - Happy New Year LOL!
    Yes, I know the rest of these posts will address this further - BUT - remember, I am the proud "user" of a Capital One KMart MC with a huge $500 limit!

    I saw that KMart didn't pay THEIR GROCERY BILL - pretty bad. I called Cap One and asked what to do with this fabulous card? There is no fee and I don't use it or have a balance.

    The Cap One Rep told me that the card would be good - regardless of KMart! I told her that Cap One
    should buy KMart! I laughed and told her even Martha Stewart was trying to bail from the KMart deal! Remember waaaaay back there was the
    "True Grace" Optima Card from AMEX? Now remember Martha Stewart was selling the Card on TV? I think she was holding the True Grace in her hand, standing next to her swimming pool. :)

    I bet she is horrified.... LOL! Leave it to a San Fran man to put a Martha Stewart spin on a KMart collapse. Maybe KMart will start posting on this board to find out where to get a secured card.....

    Lots of sarcasm in this one Killer - feels great! ARF!
    Best arfs - dogman
  14. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Re: HI YA Killer!

    Hey Dogman!

    I've been wondering where were you! I've been asking about you! I'm glad all is well with you! I'm still working on getting that AMEX!
  15. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    I'm not surprised because all the things that have been said about why they went bankrupt I already knew. Walmart has discount pricing cornered, Target has the "hip" image. So true. I go to Walmart when I want to save money on consumable items (all the time), and I go to Target when I want to get something nice that will last.

    The other problem noted is that many of K-mart's locations are in less-than ideal locations that don't draw customers, and they haven't been successful in upgrading older stores. Their business boom peaked before Wal-mart, so K-mart has a bigger modernizing job to do. Too often I've seen K-marts being the only anchor of a dying strip mall (you've all seen them).

    The Big K by my childhood home is in a bustling, prosperous Chicago suburb, and was built new only about 10 years ago. It is a decent place to shop and less than a mile from my house, it was no problem to shop here.

    (As an aside, I even worked at that one for a while. My big complaint was that I got written up on a complaint that I was coughing excessively, after I had been told I couldn't go home sick because they were too busy. Turns out I had pneumonia and was out of work for the next two weeks after that.)

    The K-marts I've seen in Atlanta, now, all have Dying Strip Mall Syndrome. (My experience here is the K-Mart in Roswell on Holcomb Br. Rd. and the one in Mableton on Veterans Mem. Hwy. and Mableton Pkwy.) Compared to Wal-mart and Target, it's a poorer shopping experience in all categories (except Pharmacy, the Pharmacy is decent at K-mart.

    My $.02.

  16. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Re: HI YA Killer!

    I remember that commercial! I think she was using her other (cut up) credit cards to tile the bottom of her pool with a mosaic of Bottecelli's "Birth of Venus".

    I think of that when I think about what I'd like to do with my despised credit cards.

  17. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member


    Ingenue - you are hilarious - and you are right. They did have a shot of the "other" cards at the bottom of the pool!

    arrrrfff! dogman
  18. mj

    mj Well-Known Member


    SuperTarget ... I wish we had 'em in New England!

    I saw one in Utah - even the grocery section was "cool"

    It's interesting to look at the histories - Kmart and Target were "born" around the same time. Target grew MUCH slower, invested in the stores, and -- this is the big advantage -- used what it learned from it's Dept. Store siblings Dayton's and Hudson's. That helped with getting the assortments right and with getting good buyers.

    Kmart expanded quicker, and didn't invest in the existing stores (as much). 2000 mediocre stores vs. 1000 "cool" stores. Guess who wins?


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