How hard is it to get a Visa Check

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by radiohead, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Card. I have a checking account with Wells Fargo for about a year, and was wondering if I should try? Thanks.
  2. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member

    I was with Wells Fargo and I just asked for the card. I'll tell you what, I would close out the Wells Fargo account. I had nothing but problems with them. I opened both a business and personal account with Washington Mutual, they give you a check card immediately and every account comes with a $100 overdraft.


    P.S. I don't work for WAMU, but their customer service is really good and it was so nice after all the garbage we went through with Wells Fargo.
  3. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Call and ask them if they pull an inquiry for the card. I was with Centura (bought SFNB). SFNB wouldn't give me one. I called Centura and asked what the deal was, they said no inquiry, if I wanted one they'd send it.

    I'm with Netbank now, they pulled an inquiry, but I also went for an LOC, so I can't be sure if they would have pulled for the check card alone and didn't ask.
  4. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    So basically you are saying that they just give you the card? I had problems with them at first, just stupid little things... I am not going to leave them as of yet, direct deposit hassles, etc.. But I was hoping to get a check card, and if they pull a report im pretty much screwed, even though I have 3 visas never late, and a check card comes out of checking account, god I dont understand banks
  5. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    The best way to find out is to call Wells Fargo at 1-800 869-3557 I have Washington Mutual and the check card comes free with every account. I NEVER use the overdraft protection but all new accounts come with $100 overdraft protection. I have been with WAMU for almost 3 years and my overdraft protection is currently at $1000 I did not even ask them to have it increased and like I said earlier I have never used the overdraft. Good luck !!!
  6. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Wachovia gave me overdraft protection, checking, savings, and Visa check card with one EQ inquiry at the beginning of my journey. Had five derogs at the time.
  7. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I had a Wells Fargo checking account. Same day I opened the account I ordered a Visa check card. Came in the mail within a week. Anyone can get one. It's not a credit card, the money comes directly from your checking acc. and if you don't have the funds, you'll just get denied for the purchase.
  8. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Ok, they said 5-7 working days it should be in my mailbox! woohoo! I have heard of people being denied for these.. weird.. Thanks everyone!!!
  9. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    I live in the South and all 3 banks I've had accounts at just automatically gave the card. It used to be you had to qualify for it, but it's pretty standard with most checking accounts these days. Just ask them.
  10. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I have a NetBank check card and they didn't pull for it. Of course, it used to be Compubank.
  11. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    Try to get Bank Of America check card and I think it should be easy. They don't report credit history to credit bureaus by using Check Card. If you tried to rebuild credit, you should get a secured credit card.

  12. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

    I work for Wells Fargo... the only way you are denied one of these is if you abuse it. (excessive overdrafts, returned items). They don't pull a credit report for it. Just be careful because you CAN still be overdrawn and rack up fees if you use this card with no $ in your account. Contrary to what many think, you won't always get declined if you don't have the money in your account.

  13. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I agree completely. WAMU runs CHEXsystems or telecheck when you open a checking acct. If you aren't bouncing checks, you'll be able to get the acct.

    You can get a free blue visa card with the free acct -
    or pay about $5 a month for a Gold Visa card -
    I started with about $100 with them several years back - and took gold acct. They give out a Platinum Visa Check Card with the Plat acct - I have that one because the Plat is $1000 minimum, pays interest, high withdrawal daily ATM limits ($1000). It pays 4.00% now if you have $25K minimum. NOBODY ion the US is paying 4%!

    They also give out overdraft with all accts - I started at about $100, and now have $1000 on the Gold and $2500 on the Plat.

    They offer 4 versions of the WAMU Visa Card - Secured, Student, Regular, or SIGNATURE!
    These cards are issue by associates bank but say Washington Mutual on the cards - I do not have any but might like the Visa Signature.

    They are a great bank for those starting out - or with some past problems - or typical bankers. They are coast to coast. ATM fees are free, go for it!
    You get the card in about 5 days after you open the acct - FAST!

    Best regards, Dogman

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