Equifax vs. CSC

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by txstep, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    Why does Equifax want me to send correspondence to CSC Credit Services?

    Sent dispute to CSC as instructed and they sent it back and asked for a copy of Social Security card and Drivers Licsence.

    Not sure what I should do.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    must be a local affiliate??? guessing
  3. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    I had the same request for identity verification

    I sent them a fax accusing them of stalling

    Looks like this is their newest tactic now.
  4. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member


    What happened when you did that?
  5. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    I just sent the fax this morning.
  6. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member


    I guess I'll try the same...
  7. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    Because Equifax and CSC are under the same Umbrella. They serve different region?
  8. bauhaus

    bauhaus Well-Known Member

    CSC is a regional affilliate for Equifax. Depending on what state you live in, they may point you towards one of their affilliates.

    So far, I've had decent luck w/ CSC. The only time I've gotten any real hassle from them was when I wanted my DOB corrected....they asked for a copy of my driver's license.
  9. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    If you live in Texas, CSC take care all Equifax files including credit dispute. Just like TransUnion,SARMA used to take care all TransUnion credit files in South Texas.That's what they called regional credit reporting agency.


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