Question: Direct Merchants Bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by superadman, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I got an offer in the mail today that looks like it could be bogus, who knows? "You're pre-selected for the power of Gold MasterCard" sounds pretty ignant to me. No annual fee, $5K credit line, etc. Reply online at or call 877-711-7187. The interest is so high (21.99%), this has got to be subprime. Anyone familiar with Direct Merchants?

    Anyone know which CRA they pull?
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    equifax here, check millcbs. I got denied by them with 650 score for any product. Maybe they will be different.

    With those scores you should be able to use millcbs to get much better quality products than 21.9%!!!
  3. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

    Equifax here also, but I think we're both in Georgia :) I've had my account 3 years with no problems. Current line $6200, 10.24% APR. I think this question was asked a few weeks ago and got a lot of responses, maybe there's something useful for you there.
  4. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I'll search for previous posts re: Direct Merchants. But their interest is so high (on this offer) that maybe it's moot. I am just frustrated about still not receiving any prime credit from anywhere.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I have had the Titanium card for 2 years now - they have been great!! Went from $1,500 to $8,000. Interest has been lowered several times, plus it is not fixed interest, so it has been going down almost every month. If you call and request BT offers, you will get them. Just be good, and they'll love you.

    They checked Equifax - I was at about 650 at the time, I think - it was before they released the scores to the public.

    If you haven't opted out, look and see which report has the PRM inquriy. That is not the one report they will pull. In my case the PRM was on Experian, the inq was on EFX.
  6. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Breeze, how did you get your credit limit increased so high and fast? Any good advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I have the Direct Merchants Gold Mastercard but my limit is too low. I may get rid of it cause the limit is only $750 My next increase is in march.
  7. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I saw an offer on tv from dmb. the card offered a 90 grace period on purchases. I looked at there web page and did not see any reference to the card.

    Anyone know anything about this specific card?
  8. CC Jr

    CC Jr Member

    I love DMB. they gv me a card at $2500 and now a year and a half later im at $9500 they increase my Cl automatical about every 5 months or so.

    No problems at all with them and my apr is 12.9%

    Love em
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I used the card a lot at first, carried a little bit of a balance off and on - let them make some interest off it. Paid it off, kept using it, put a little balance on it for a few months, paid it off. Each time I paid it off, they increased some more. I called an asked for a BT deal, they gave me 6.9%. Every now and then I asked for interest to be lowered - they did it. I had one mix up where they told me yes on the phone, sent me a letter saying no, then sent me another letter saying yes. The rate went down :)

    Finally, when I had $4,000 limit, and a $2,500 balance. I BT'd it to another card (paid it off), they doubled my limit a few days after my closing date.

    I send them little emails from their site telling them how great they are, and I always send a thank-you after they give me something. Probably doesn't count for anything, but what the heck. So far they have been my best card (I have Citibank and Blue).

    I would say the techniques I discovered accidentally with them, could be described as kind of like fly-fishing, hehe.

  10. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I wish I knew in advance whether they would pull EQ or EX. I would apply for this or one of their other products if I knew they'd pull Experian...
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Look and see if you have a PRM. If the PRM is on EXP, they will pull EFX. If it is on EFX, they will pull EXP. They don't appear to use TU at all.
  12. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I'll check right now...
  13. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Well... no PRM is showing up anywhere on Experian,... so I guess they must've used EQ which means they'll pull Experian. Maybe I should apply after all...
  14. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    thanks Breeze for the info, I have been using the card frequently and hope to get a descent credit line increase in march I will post my increase results
  15. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member

    Somehow I got this 90 days grace period. Don't know why? or how? ( Did not charge any int for the past three mos. )
    My current APR @ 3.990% and the previous 8.770% has gone. Weird, maybe hoping I will build a hugh balance in it.
    Of course, that will be unnecessary.

  16. superadman

    superadman Banned

    90 day grace period?! That's very cool...

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