The local bureau is back in charge of my file again. This is what they sent me via email today!! "We also have a lengthy paper trail and me very familiar with the court system. As of this date we have never lost a suit in any court. We have mailed you copies of the verifications that we have received via mail or computer. There is no information being reported that has not been verified by our office or Equifax, Atlanta. It is now up to you to work with the companies. As I previously stated, I have never known of a company that has been unwilling to work with a consumer when fraud is suspected. It is very important that you contact them and ask for a fraud package." I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off!! WTF do I do now? I'm screwed, I have no chance in h*ll with them now, so I have to pay everyone off and hope and pray for deletion in a year or so. This sux so bad. Everyone pulls Equifax in Texas, so I have freakin' 4 more years of bad credit to go. You've all been helpful, but I guess my obsession and journey is done here. Good luck to you all and thanks for all the help I got from everyone, your posts have all been "insightful" to say the least Even if I get clean on TU and Experian I have no hope left
Sorry to hear about that Christi - I live in Texas also so I'm screwed as well I agree - take a step back and breathe. GT
cristi dont give up!!!!! you must now let them get to you if i were you i would start with ca's and sue them
Christi, don't give up, there is still hope. They are trying to intimidate you. Let's see if LizardKing or PsychDoc have anything to say about this. I would say that your next move is to gather the collective advise of the experts you regularly converse with on this board and then... keep rockin'! You CAN make it happen!
Christi, Try to calm down and think things through. Offer to pay for deletions. If the CA's want their money, then they must delete the negative entry from your file. If you're not up to doing this yourself, then perhaps you should hire an attorney or a credit repair firm to negotiate the deletions on your behalf. If I were you, I would NOT pay anything unless it was going to be deleted in return...get it in writing. I don't think you should give up. Yes, it looks like you are cornered for now. But maybe someone will come up with some more ideas to try. Good luck. Calmest_LA
Hey, What if you offer the woman who wrote you this letter $100.00 per deletion!!!!! It's just an idea Is this illegal or not?
Christie Is someone impersonating you? Where's our Christie at? I can not believe what I just read! I know you're disappointed and mad as hell But give up? Let them win? I kept reading the word fraud in their letter. Take a Deep Deep Breath let it go a few days Collect your thoughts and regroup. It's time for a different approach. We will all help and put our thinking caps on. You can beat this it is going to take a little time. Never Ever Give Up Where would we be if no really tried. The best success stories are those that got many doors slammed in their faces and they kept right on going. You have to turn this dilemma around and make it a positive.
Do NOT let them bully you! That's exactly what they're trying to do with that letter. They may have never lost a case before, but that's only because they've never gone up against one of us. They're used to consumers who don't know their rights. You do! You can beat them. Don't give up Christi, we're behind you.
LizardKing is telling you right. Sue now, ask questions later. Just make sure your documentation is tight. By the time it's time to serve them with discovery, they'll have settled with you.
Christi, I wouldn't give up. If anything, take a step back, even take a short break, and then do what I, along with many others have done, and write to the actual creditors to try and come to a good solution that benefits YOU the most. I had to deal with 4 creditors directly after disputing about 4 times through the CRAs. I should've done it from the start because it would've saved me a lot of time and frustration. I did this sytematically instead of haphazardly and made sure there was a name associated with every correspondence so that I had strong documentation and a paper trail. CRAs are in this to make money, bottom line. They don't give a rats ass about your credit file. It's all your fault in their eyes. They would be very happy to sell your info to subprime finance companies just as much as they would with a prime company. If they were investigated about the way they adhere to the law, they would go down in a heartbeat. But, because of the bureaucratic red tape and the fact that companies "need" a source for the info the CRAs supply, it's easy for them to not abide by the rules. The thing that consumers like us can do is try to play their own stupid game and the changes in the FCRA have given us a little better edge than it did 15 years ago. Sometimes the best way to handle the situation is to go to the source of the problem. If you have specific things that need to be cleaned up (ie., the MAJOR issues affecting your credit and NOT just eliminating inquiries), post them here without divulging personal info, and maybe people can help resolve it by going around the CRAs that aren't honoring your disputes.
BLUFFING!! Come on now that's just laughable. If they can make you go away with a letter like that they win free of charge. Collect your information and determine where they have violated the FCRA and sue them....they will settle...which is the ONLY way she can say they NEVER LOSE! -Peace, Dave
Looks like a bluff.. of course they arent just gonna roll over just yet. Doesn't seem like too bad of a letter really, Im my opinion, they are just basically saying they verified the stuff. If they made violations, sue them. I wish you the best.
So let me see if I understand this. You have proof of violations against Experian and you filed a lawsuit. You have proof of violations against Equifax but because they sent you basically what amounts to a "I dare you" letter, you're going to run and hide in a corner? Give me a friggin break. Go file your lawsuit tomorrow. I cannot believe you would let a little bull @#%$ letter stop you. Come on Christi, cut out the nonsense. Stand up for yourself. They sent you this because, in my opinion, they are a little worried about it. GO DO IT NOW!!!!!
I wouldn't give up either! Girl you have come to far!!!!! I agree w/the others ... I think it is a Bluff..!! Go ahead a file a lawsuit against them if you haven't.. follow through.. I bet they will delete it then.
There are several reasons for me NOT to file. 1. She is the president of the local bureau and lives right here in my hometown 2. They won't need to send a lawyer, she will come to most likely they will NOT settle 3. We (her and I) both live in the town where the court will be held (population 20,000) 4. I'm sure she knows the judge or he is aware of the business she runs and I'll be their "scapegoat" 5. I am just too dang nervous to even fight her, she's a real witch!! I just don't have the fight left, my only other hope is that Experian responds to my settlement letter by Friday and I'll have ONE clean report and get 1-2 decent cards which I can use to help build the Equifax. I am suing TU on Monday as well, if no response from them. Otherwise, that's all I'm doing, nothing more nothing less.
All those reasons could also be reason WHY YOU SHOULD FILE. Don't back down. She is trying to intimidate you and she is succeeding. You'll never know how it would all turn out until you step up to the plate and take that big swing. I would have to go for it if I were you because the minute someone tries to intimidate me I only get stronger. Find your strength and play the game out to the end.
I completely agree. Her letter is an intimidation tactic and apparently you will let it work. If you are that nervous or worried about it, get an atty. If you have a valid case, an atty. will take it on contigency. Do whatever you have to do, but don't back down. I also agree with Dave, the letter is laughable.