It is my understanding the report selected is determined by the analyst's preference. You get an analyst that likes to use TU - your TU gets pulled.
Love, they pulled Equifax for my Plat Plus card, and do regular ARs on Equifax. When I requested a limit increase, and for my LOC application, they pulled TU. I am in GA also.
I'm in the south (Equifax country) and MBNA pulled Experian for the loc app and for the Platinum Plus app. I hardly get Experian pulled here.
They usually pull two reports. TransUnion always seems to be one of two though. If you're in Georgia probably Equifax and TU. Dani
I guarantee you they'll pull experian in GA. Want me to cut and paste the 5 inquiries from them? 3 one time for mbna plat plus (denied), and 2 for loan. those bastages..
I applied for the Barnes & Noble card Cut the well let you know I wonder if they pull Equifax? I am screwed if they do
TRW is still in business, and they have an information technology and systems division,2610,4_39_135^3^135^135,00.html they spun off their credit reporting division of their information systems as a separate company a few years back.
Don't know why they pulled Equifax on me, but they did when I got my card in 98, and they still do ARs every 2 months on Equifax.