
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam1014, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. sam1014

    sam1014 Well-Known Member

    What is the difference between a dispute or validation letter? I have questionable items with a collection agency and was wondering do I dispute or send a validate letter?
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    With a dispute letter you are disputing that is your debt.

    With a validation letter you are asking them to provide you proof that the debt belongs to you.
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Validation letter to the CA, dispute with the credit bureau. After 30 days if you don't get a response from collection agency or don't get "adequate" validation, send the estoppel letter.
  4. sam1014

    sam1014 Well-Known Member

    Thank your for your quick reply. What proof would they have to supply me for a medical bill? you have a copy of validations letters you can direct me to? Thanks again.
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Go to the sample letters section and there are letters there, if you can't find it let me know. I have disputed medical collections and they only sent me a copy of the insurance claim form they filed electronically (which is called a UB-82). For signature it said "signature on file". It only had my name, DOB and insurance group number etc. I sent them an estoppel letter, still nothing so I faxed them a 72 hr notice to remove it or be sued!! Their time is up on Monday at 8AM my time.
  6. sam1014

    sam1014 Well-Known Member

    So in other words...they have to provide your signature not just a bill. On one of them the CA tole me all they have is a bill of what I tissues, medicines, etc. This is obviously not proof.

    Also..could you please email a copy of a validation letter you used for medical collections. I took a look at the samples and didn't see anything that would fit. I would really appreciate it.

    Do you talk to your CA on the phone or by mail only?
    I hope they remove it for you...would a mess if you had to sue them.
  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    MAIL ONLY!! The letters you have to customize to fit your needs. Just paste it into Word or whatever you use and make changes. That's basically what I do, then add account numbers etc. You can add in the Cease & Desist Communication with them as well.
  8. sam1014

    sam1014 Well-Known Member

    See, that's where I've made my mistake. I contacted them via telephone. I was in tears by the end of our conversation when they hung up on me. I have never been through anything like it. Thank you again for your help.

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