First Premier Bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mirage7, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    I know they suck, but I applied and received a card before I realized they suck so I am determined to max out my pts with them and close the darn thing. Until then I am pleased to announce (although it may already have been announced) that the bank now offers online account access. Hallelujah!

    wishing you a wonderful day and higher scores!
  2. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Really????Where???? I gotta go and check out my statement! Since I'm not getting any of my mail, STILL, and FPB is the only account I have without online access.....

    I gotta check it out!!! WHERE?!?!?!?!
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    where is the online site? i just got one a week ago from them
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I just wished I could pay FCNB online :(
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Damn! I can pay it for free using my bank. I just applied for an increase, if I'm approved it's 25 dollars. Scammers.
  7. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Do you have online access through your bank? THat is how I pay it.
  8. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    I just like being able to track charges instead of having to wait until my statement arrives. I probably won't use the pay online feature though. I haven't had a problem with their holding that at least works for me...anyway, 10 more months and I will have maxed out my points and I will say buh bye!!! :)
  9. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I got a measly $100. I want to close this SO bad, but it's my oldest line. If I get approved for the Citi reconsideration, I'm gonna BT it away.
  10. thattaway

    thattaway Well-Known Member

    BT $100.00??? Why not just pay it off?

  11. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    NO, I meant my limit increase was for $100, I owe about $150 on it, and can't pay it off completely right now. SO now I have a $300 limit on a $200 secured card. Gee, I'm moving up in the world.
  12. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    How often does First Premier Bank issue increases? Anyone know?
  13. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I have had my card since April, and I had to request this one. When I called for one in August, I wanted to go unsecured. They told me that I had to wait for 6 months to pass, and then I could only get an increase, or go unsecured. I went with an increase. and they charged me $25 for it. Bastages!
  14. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    I did exactly the same found out it was junk before I got it. It was too late to do anything about it. So I have a crappy 250 cl with a 0 balance and that is exactly where it is going to stay! yeah yeah yeah superadman I know I know LOL

    This card , Bank of Marin and First National Credit Card- will be the first to go next year. I am just hanging on to them for ratios right now.......never plan on using those cards again.

    Regardless of your score they will gank you!

    I swear i wish I had found this board long before now.
  15. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Well I am an idiot. I have another card with a MUCH MUCH higher limit. One day, I charged $1000 to that card and later make another purchase for $50 with the same vendor. I figure what the hay, charge it to fp and give it some activity right? WRONG! The stupid vendor applied the $1000 charge to FP and the $50 to the card with the high limit. I have documentation of my orders so I know this is not my mistake.

    Fast Forward. I get a notice in the mail from FP that my card privileges are suspended because my account balance is $1000 and I am overlimit. They accepted the charge! Does that make any sense? I asked them why they would even accept a charge that is $600 over my limit... Who in their right mind would even try to charge that amount to a card with a $400 cl???I paid it in full immediately and they were "gracious" enough to not charge me an over the limit fee or a phone payment fee. A recent review of my credit report reveals that they have listed my high credit at $1000 and a credit limit of $400 so I am thinking my only alternative is to accept the credit increases I have been declining b/c I think that initial $25 fee is RIDICULOUS. If I let the limit rise so that it at least exceeds $1000 will it make my credit report look better....?


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