My judgement, that isn't reporting ANYWHERE (thank goodness) is for $1598.90. It was a joint judgement that listed an ex-boyfriend and myself on it. It has been verified, and was filed on 2/18/1998. This was in the Local County Court. I was never served, but I'm sure he was and I'm sure he showed up for the court date. Does this automatically put me at fault for payment? How can I tell from the records if it has been paid? Thanks in advance, I just don't want this to suddenly SHOW up someday.
You could call the creditor to see if they consider it paid or go to the courthouse to see if the creditor has reported it paid it to them.
I don't want to call them, because as far as I know, it's still unpaid. I live in Charlotte now, and the court is in NY, so no luck there. Any other suggestions Love? Please?
Call the courthouse. Not sure if they will speak about such matters over the phone (identity issues, blah blah), but try it. Mybe even request in writing a opy of the judgment, when you call ask about that too.
Good thoughts. So you know if I can have the judgement vacated on the grounds that I was never served, but he was? So vacated for only me?
get the paperwork first, but yes, if there is notice of service for you. you can call and ask court clerk, no privacy issue, this is public information..... may have court policy about requests in writing etc. ask if they have reported the judgement paid, like you have already paid it. ask them what they creditor or you have to show to change to record to show it paid and then ask how or if they verify to cra's (electronic, written or otherwise)
Erica, does the court in NY have online access to records? Our small claims and Justice courts have all cases and the dispositions online. Just a thought.
If you want to, cut and paste it here minus the personal info, or, email it to me, and I'll see if I can decipher it for you.