IC System Inc.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    ANYONE have their fax #?
  2. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    grrrrrr the bane of my existance!! I have their stuff at home and will post it tonight.
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Thanx, appreciate it!!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Check this link:
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    hey, i have got two collections with them. they are refusing to delete for payment ( total owed less than $250.00). i sent validation letter and they did send me a copy of contract and stuff, but not about their permission to collect the debt. just sent estoppel and am checking to see if licnsed or bonded in my state.
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Thanx Love & Uniondiva!

    Uniondiva, let me know what happens, what state are you in, how do find out if they're licensed there? Thanx again!
  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I sent validation X 2 and had estoppel in the mail when I got a letter about my 2 medical collections, they apologized and said they would be deleted immediately and they were.
  8. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    After SOL these folks sent me a delete letter out of the blue. Didn't have to call them, didn't have to offer them payment or anything--I hadn't spoken to them in months and months and out of the blue they sent me a delete letter.

    The strange part is I contacted them on my own about three days after they sent the letter (as I knew the SOL was up), but before I'd gotten it, and they were still trying to collect from me. Still refusing to delete. Still maintaining I'd never paid. Trying to convince me SOL wasn't really up. It was all rather surreal when the letter showed up a couple days later, postmarked 3 days before my phone call.

    Either way, not only did they send me the letter, but they actually deleted (VERY quickly--within 10 days it was gone from all 3 reports) before I even got a chance to send the letter to the CRAs. After spending 20 minutes trying to convince me on the phone they would never delete... ever, "not in a million bazillion years... or 7 years, whichever is sooner" (actual quote from one of the more animated IC Systems reps). It was amazing.

    Needless to say, they suck, but in the end I got what I wanted from them lol.


    PS-I actually had paid the bill to the original creditor, but they never notified IC System. The delete letter was sent out, as least as far as IC System was concerned, without any payment from me.

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