This week my Citi AA account went from secured to unsecured status, and several weeks ago a customer service rep recommended I ask for a CL increase when that happened. What's the best way: PFB, snail mail letter, call (who and what number?) I don't know my scores, but I feel sure they aren't good enough to get a gold card and combine for a platinum. Thanks!
The credit department will pull your TU and their score threshold (ie nothing bad, not too many inquiries) plus your payment history (paying 3-4X over the min. will factor in to get your increase. Usually 10-20% max. You can PFB them, but don't be suprised if they ask for your bank name and #'s and your last years income tax forms.. Basically, CL increases are not worth it from citi. A friend of mine got a whopping $3000 for his two cards last year. I with much worse credit went from $4K to $25K in the same year of time with the BDD.
See my post here: Saar
I couldn't get PLATINUM SELECT...even "PRE-APPROVED" one, DENIED, DENIED, DENIED, enter the "BACK DOOR DOUBLE...apply for AASILVER <INSTANT> APPROVED $5,000, AAGOLD <INSTANT> APPROVED $5,000~~~COMBINE AND TRADE FOR PLATINUM SELECT $10,000... One inquiry, got $10,000...(20-30 minutes). My BDD is not can use it...
I'm reading that either I do the BDD or I threaten to cancel several times over time and work my CL up that way. I'm worried because my TU report is stuffed with more than 10 negatives (however, all but one shows paid and all are at least 18 months old). With that, I just know that even with a Citi Silver AA that has just been approved to go from secured to unsecured (18 months of perfect paying and 10-20 times minimum every month) I'll be rejected for the CIti Gold and won't be able to do the BDD. Thoughts?
have no fear when you ask for a limit they WILL check TU. And their standards are much higher.. I've got a stack of credit limit increases here if you'd like to borrow 'em
thanks for all the input, I think I'll wait and not waste an inquiry. I don't need the extra room for money purposes, I'm just trying to improve my ratio. I will try the automatic on-line increase request (where I don't fill anything out) once my secured status changes. Thanks again!
the automatic button, as soon as you press sometimes pulls a TU. You'll see. you'll get: 1. Approved for increase 2. Fill out form (probably get declined) 3. Declined and TU/Citi reason cards (along with a TU inquiry)
I could not get a cr increase either. Have aa gold 5500 cl. Same account for 15 years, perfect payment record and last increase was 10 yrs ago. 760 fico. Reason: charged off debt 16 yrs ago. They sure keep their records. Guess citi is lost for me. Better look somewhere else.
Geo, That's normal for Citibank and Universal Cards. They pulled credit from Equifax every 2 months to 3 months. They did it to me and my brother. Ron.
I just went to my account on-line, asked for a CL increase, and was instantly granted $1200, from $4000 to $5200. I did not fill out any forms, and the message was: "congratulations, you have been approved for a $1200 increase to $5200 A credit bureau report was not pulled for this Click yes to accept or no to decline and request a form, or call xxxx" I accepted, and will try in a few months (maybe on the phone using the cancellation ploy) for another. I'm just trying to work the limit up to help my ratios as much as possible. Thanks for the input!