Post Citi greed

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by IVAN, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. IVAN

    IVAN Well-Known Member

    Since combining my silver and gold cards, I was wondering which other major credit card companies issue an automatic response with an automatically determined credit line.

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    I'll be the first to admit that even with 25K in citi credit, many others will DENY me flat out because i have small issues on my reports..

    Since citi only thing i've got:
    Target 6K
    Amex Delta 2K
    MBNA LOC 2.5K
    Household 1.5K

    If you aren't "repairing" your credit i'm sure you'll have alot more success than me, but the fact remains that because i have issues on some of my reports, even with 25K in citi credit and others paid on time, they won't touch me with a 10 ft pole (yet).

    good luck!
  3. IVAN

    IVAN Well-Known Member

    Hey Sam, I'm in the same boat. I would guess I'm about 85% complete in my credit repair ventures and don't wish to be scrutinized. Are the cards that you mentioned auto approval?

  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    what are your scores and what "issues" do you have to be resolved... i am trying to get the nerve to apply?
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    My TU and EXP are dented with some derogs. My EFX just came clean but i have so many new accts and inq's that my score is around 670:

    Target 6K - 670 EFX approved instantly
    Amex Delta 2K - 670 EFX approved instantly
    MBNA LOC 2.5K - 633 EXP approved instantly
    Household 1.5K - 670 EFX - best buy declined, but this came in the mail instead.

    MBNA, Amex, and Target denied me 2 months prior to the last negative on EFX (paid collection $46 from 1996).

    It just goes to show that until you are perfectly CLEAN, even though your EGO might be boosted by those CITI cards, that others will turn their nose up on you... I'm gonna work on my TU, I'm getting nowhere on my Experian, and my EFX is clean.

    It's so hard to be tempted to apply more, but honestly i'm probably down nearly 100 points due to new accounts, and inquiries. That 670 would be a 770 if i can lay off for a couple of years.. sigh..
  6. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    For the other question:

    My equifax had 2 chargeoffs and 1 collection from 1996 when i got my first citibank card. Everything else was in good shape 6 subprime positive tradelines about 1 year aged, and 3-4 positives from the old days. Score was 590'ish. I did the "dispute all the negatives" and put them in dispute mode then applied. I got the dreaded message. A few weeks later i opened a "welcome to citi AA here's your $4000 line". I was shocked to say the least.

    AGE of issues is very important, Citi will look less upon 5+ year old issues but will deny you for recent items. No way around this.

    Paid issues also are better than non-paid. Sometimes you gotta give in and pay the debt.
    Good positive tradelines, stable income, stable residence, answering all the "questions" properly on the application gives you a better "citi internal" score.

    If your fico is borderline you need to think long and hard on those questions they ask you, and think about the best answer that you can give them :)

    good luck...

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