
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by darkdoj, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    All this talk of Innovis, I'm tired as I bet the rest of you are. I sent a very small summary to a class action firm ( They represent the consumer in class action suits. I guess it really wouldn't hurt for everyone to do the same. If Innovis is providing information about us, we have a right to know what's in their files and since every place I looked on the Internet tonight that referenced Innovis also referenced them as a Credit Reporting Agency (CRA), I guess they have to play fair like everyone else. If enough people complain to some of these law firms, I got a hundred bucks says someone will bite. Could turn out to be something big........
  2. BiznoteGuy

    BiznoteGuy Well-Known Member

    I'm interested in hearing what can be done. Innovis "says" you can request a copy of your report from them by writing. Frankly, I think 3 CRAs is enough. 3 of them keep from someone having a monopoly and also provides a decent way to do an average if a creditor wants more than one souce of info. Of course, that's if everything is correct on all three.

    It seems to me that Innovis is going to try and hold onto old disputed info whether it was correct or not, and if that's the case, they are going to have many lawsuits to deal with. They're already listed negatively with the BBB because of complaints.
  3. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    I just don't like seeing the "little" guy screwed around.
  4. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Its pretty clear that they are in violation of the FCRA. If the FTC gets enough compaints, they may actually do something. But then again, who knows.
  5. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    I got a response from the Class Action company in regards to Innovis. They are interested in hearing from people who have had problems accessing a credit report from them. Please email me and I will forward your correspondence to the company above. Let's get the New Year started right! If Innovis is a providing information about us, we have a right to know what's it is!!
  6. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Your email is turned off! I haven't written to them for a report, I have only called, but I'm willing to pay a lousy $4 for CRRR to screw them in a Class Action!
  8. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    You can also get denied via email. I don't have the email address I sent to here at work. I'll post it tonight when I get home.
  9. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I wrote them a letter asking for a copy of the my report. They replied back that they don't provide on-line access to the report. I never asked for on-line access. wtf?
  10. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I got the following via email:

    Thank you for contacting Innovis Data Solutions in regards to your personal credit information. We are developing a credit database and currently Innovis Data Solutions does not provide on-line credit reports to businesses where you apply for credit, insurance, or employment. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 800-540-2505.

    You may also contact Innovis Data Solutions in writing. Our mailing address is:
    Innovis Data Solutions
    Consumer Relations
    PO Box 219297
    Houston TX 77218-9297

    If you prefer, you may fax us at 281-504-2594.

    Thank you.

    Innovis Data Solutions
    Consumer Relations
  11. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Pat, that is what I got, but I requested mine by snail mail.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    No- we need a CRA for every type of business there is. Aren't you getting bored with the 3 stooges and their 3 ring circus? Wouldn't say 15 to 25 CRAs make things more lively?

  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Nothing os ever correct 0n all three!
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Is there any member or lurker on this board who has a correct unrepaired Cr.Report That has correct and complete information from all three CRAs?
    If you do please post it here =I would like to see that rare bird !
  15. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Turn your email on :)

    Better yet, post the email address and case reference for Milberg. That way we can email them directly and they will have our contact info as well.
  16. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    Are they getting around some loop-hole by saying that they don't provide on-line reports to businesses? I don't get it, so even if they only do snail mail at this point they are still providing our information to businesses. And from what I've heard they only provide negative info. They should still be required to give us the info they have on us.
  17. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I am still looking for someone that has a correct complete report at all three CRAs before credit repairing:
  18. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I found it:
  19. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    My email to Innovis has been sent!!! Just waiting for my ammo to jump on into the class action!
  20. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened to my husband and I both. I still have the letters.

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