I just got my TU report, and it states... 'The following item is suppressed pending credit grantor update' So, does this mean that a creditor would not be able to see it? and is this very temporary as in, they were updating it that day.. and thats why it was suppressed, or could it be suppressed for a long time? It states it was last updated 11/00. The part that I don't understand is that it shows the account closed more then 2 years before it was... which actually helps me.. Please advise! Thanks.
I have a collection account on my TU report that has been "supressed" for about four months. I have no clue what it means, but it keeps coming back verified when I dispute it.
I believe t means the creditors can NOT see it, I had a charged off Sears account (paid) that said that for almost a year, then it magically disappeared. My student loan is reporting like that now, has been for 3 months. i would say don't bother disputing it while it says that.
I have an NCO Financial account on TU that has been listed that way since I started learning here last May. I've disputed it twice and it stays on although it's balance never gets corrected. As of now, I'm not worrying about it.
I had that on my TU report and I had to write the creditor to tell them, "hey, do something like update my account so this comes off." They did and it was fixed.