Student Loan!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ximenezd, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    I got a student loan when I was in school and yes I was not a responsible person so I didnt pay on time and another loan company bought it and refinanced it and yet again I messed up now I have a new company and I am paying on time and good is there any way that I can get the other two off of my credit report since they were bought.

  2. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    I would contact Roni since she is the resident student loan expert at Creditnet. Another option would be to dipute the items with the three CRA's and see what happens.

  3. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    I kinda know what your saying but how do I dispute the loans I know they were mine and I was dumb what do I send them???

  4. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    Walk in my shoes and you will get blisters let me carry you and we will both have blisters..
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    student loans can be disputed just like any other trade line. dispute as not mine... or incorrect/inaccurate. You can also request validation for student loans (even though they are paid).

    i recently had two student loans deleted from my cr using this method. i have one still reporting on exp and will be disputing that soon.
  6. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    I think I understand so the ones that were bought out or refinanced i dispute them like i would any other one and do i dispute it with a letter or something i am new at this and need a little help.
  7. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    yes, just send a simple dispute letter or dispute on line with credit reporting agencies. You can and I suggest that you also request validation from the lender. you can also call us dept of education and get details on your loans, like who is currently servicing them, etc. I actually disputed mine first.
  8. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    Thank you I understand now all of your information is really helpful..


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