All Guarantors rehabilitate Federally Guaranteed Student Loans. Normally though you have to go through their collection agency. If you are currently in default, then you should contact the collection agancy that currently is doing the collection on your student loans and arrange with them to set up a rehabilitation program. Just remember that it is a very strict process and that if you don't abide by the it every step of the way then they can and will make you start over again. Hope this helps Brian
I am in the process of rehabilitating, my Ford and Perkins loan, So I know you can with these two.. The process doesnt seem to bad.. just cant be 15 days early or 15 days late on any payment, basically if you are early it doesnt count as 1 of the 12. I think you can even set up Automatic payments, I think it would be great if more debts could be rehabilitated.
The Ford loans are with the Dept of Education still, the Perkins is with EFG Technologies, they took that one over.
you can also call the us dept of education. they will give you advice and answer you questions regarding loan rehab. it is also helpful to talk to them after you talk with the lenderf regarding rehab if you have questions and concerns.