for those interested... this guy is an Expert database witness against TU interesting website and resource.
Interesting read. It's kinda funny...the "Reasonable Procedures for Achieving Accuracy" and "Information System Design Parameters" sections almost sound patronizing. This is pretty rudimentary Relational Databases 101-type stuff (the ER diagram was apparently done in MS Access, no less). In other words, this is stuff that one would think a major credit-reporting firm would have down pat. I think these passages say it best: Dr. Douglass Stott Parker, Jr., full professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, states it well: â??My point here is that the enormity of the credit information processed by the credit bureaus is not in itself an excuse from following reasonable procedures for keeping it accurate. From a technological standpoint, the enormity of the information is not the problem. ...and If we are to believe Trans Union, that a high level of accuracy is impossible when dealing with this much data, then that begs the question as to why they made a push to become a national credit bureau. wajaba