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Cap One: Do they verify income?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by richard612, Jan 28, 2002.

  1. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Does Cap One typically verify income? I'm unemployed and I have a "1 minute invitation" here (came in the mail) that does not even ask for my employer's name. I wouldn't mind adding a Cap One Titanium to my wallet since my beloved Amex Blue is currently holding a BT balance and is in the SOCK DRAWER.

    I made the mistake of telling MBNA the truth that I was unemployed and an analyst later called, asked a few questions, and denied me even though I have an unused 15.8k LOC with them - I would've gladly traded the LOC for the card. This cost me a HARD inquiry. I don't want to risk another HARD if I don't have a chance of getting this Cap One card.



    No derogs, EQ - 750, TU - ?, EX - ?
  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    Cap1 usually doesn't verify income but they score your application. They may change the terms on you.They may give the subprime terms even you have a perfect credit history. BEWARE!!!!

  3. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    They have not verified in my experience.
  4. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    they didn't in my mom case ,she got two cards and have not work a paying job in 40 years. ""But very hard in the home""" GO mom GO
  5. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Capital One did not verify my income. In fact NO card issuer has verified my income. I have:

    Capital One
    State Farm Bank
    Target Visa

    I had a secured account with NextCard that I closed. They never verified my income either.
  6. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    BT promos

    OK. One more question.

    I decided to fill in the BT section of the application. I'm taking a guess at what my Amex balance will be in a week or so (and I'm being conservative). Once I get the card and the BT goes through, will I continue to have BT's available at my promo rate? It would be nice to have a second BT for the remainder of the Amex balance so I can un-sock drawer it...


    PS. The "invitation" says that the credit line is "up to 10k." That would make it my lowest revolving line. Hell, I'll just be happy to have the damn card. The go-to rate is a fixed 9.9%. Is that their best rate?
  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: BT promos


    9.9% fixed rate is the second best rate and 8.9% fixed is the best rate.

  8. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Re: BT promos

    C1's best go-to rate as of now is 8.9%
  9. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    Re: Income Verification

    I think as long as your total household income is good, they (the banks) will not verify employment. I'm a full time student who also works part time and whenever I apply for a card, I only mention the total household income because the money I get from my job is just pocket change. I got approved for most cards this way.
  10. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Re: Income Verification

    TITANIUM????? is this a new card???
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Income Verification

    To the best of my knowledge...NOBODY has asked me to PROVE income from 1978 to 2001...EXCEPT AMEX BLUE (01/2002)...I HAD THE AUDACITY TO ASK FOR A CREDIT LIMIT INCREASE OF $4,500!!!
  12. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Re: Income Verification

    I feel really dumb for not lying to MBNA when their telemarketer called. I could have their card right now.
  13. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Income Verification

    Not one of my 19 credit cards has involved verification of income. A few banks, such as Providian and Capital One, never even asked my income on their preapproved applications.

    My recent "guaranteed" Cap One Visa Platinum offer didn't even ask my income or employer, so there will be no attempt to verify.

    Providian asked for my income the sneaky way. When I called to activate my new card (the old one expired after 2 years,) they wanted to know my income. It was absolutely none of their business. I'm current on the account, and here they were trying to extort the information from me. So I gave them a highly idealized version of my income.

    I don't want anything from Providian except to stay out of trouble with them. After they broke their contract with me and raised my APR to 29.9%, they deserve nothing from me except repayment of the principal. I intend to keep them as far away from my personal financial information as possible.

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