Chase Instant Approval?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bgolden, Jan 28, 2002.

  1. bgolden

    bgolden Well-Known Member

    Does chase do instant approvals? Applied for my husband and it said "your application requires further review before possible approval" We will be contacting you within 30 days regarding the status of your application"

    Anyone get this and is it a good sign or bad I just applied for the Chase Classic card so maybe it would be easier. He has no negatives on his report.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I don't think they do INSTANT...
  3. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member


    Means you will probably will get approved, you're going thru manual review. I received the same message and was approved.
  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I think usually when you get the 30-day message, it means you're approved, or on your way to being approved. A 7-10 day message ususally means a decline.. after all, how long does it take to just say no?
  5. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member


    I had the same message you had and called in about a week and found that I was approved.
  6. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    They do instant approvals, I was approved online for $6000 gold card. Then converted to platinum with no hassle. Just an FYI


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Good observation, Sherlock :)
  8. IndyGreg

    IndyGreg Well-Known Member

    Just to add to the previous posts, I also think the "30 day" message usually means approval. I applied for the Chase Platinum and received that message. The new card arrived in the mail about 12 days later.
  9. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Love. <james bond music begins> Oh, and BTW, the names Crime, Mindcrime. :)

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