for January..... seems as if a lot of CHOD results came in and lifted some folks out of the club.. who is still in and who is now out in the reaches of 600 club land.. as for me, I have scores in the low 600's in EQ and EXP but my TU score is still in the 500's ( solidly in the middle too) . I still have two major negatives showing, a judgement and a repo, so with disputing, I am hoping to move to the 600 club soon.
Uniondiva, that is excellent accomplishment(s). But sad to say that I am still in the 400 club, I posted a week or so ago to find other 400 club members but nobody responded which left me to believe I am the only lonely 400 club member (boohoo). But that is great to hear and it is also inspiring. Good Luck!!!
I'm still in the 500 club I do have 2 lawsuits filed and one to be filed Friday, so I'm hoping to move into the high 600 club real soon However, I did get approved for a $3500 MBNA apple LOC
hmm, Christi, Please tell me what type of negs you had.... i am really wanting to apply and get something.
They pulled EX. I have 2 Capital One charge-offs unpaid, 3 Medical collections unpaid (low amts), a bounced check collection (low amt) NO inquiries. Score is in signature line I am having $2500 deposited in my checking account and using it to pay off some other bills and the CO charge offs.