What do they HAVE to provide 4 val?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by iamsamiam, Jan 29, 2002.

  1. iamsamiam

    iamsamiam Well-Known Member

    If a collection agency is reporting to the cb;s and you request validation, what do they HAVE to provide to you? Something with your signature? I know medical bills are different, they can send you the print out for the dr or hospital as proof, but with regular collections what do they have to send?

    GHONEYHONE Well-Known Member

    really the dr or hospital print out is validation i did not know that damn
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    since when is a print out from dr or hospital proof of validation, please explain!!!
  4. iamsamiam

    iamsamiam Well-Known Member

    But, I don't sign one of those everytime that I go, just the first time, they always use that one assignment as their permission to continue to get the insurance payments and to later send you to collections.
  5. Janet

    Janet Well-Known Member

    I have a quick question. I spoke w/Equifax today and said if I provide the proof that the ca can't validate by making copies of CRRR's and the letters and sending them to Equifax, what do you in turn do next? They said they just do the same verification (verify name,address, and ss) and if it still gets verified, it's still on the credit report and I would have to deal with the ca to get it off. So, basically, they don't do crap.
    So, this is my question. After I don't receive validation after the validation letter and estoppel, do I send an intent to sue letter to the CRA and the CA? Or the CRA only or the CA only?


  6. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

  7. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    i would send it to the collection agency. if you get no response then i would sue them. most of the time they will call the credit reporting agency and remove it very quickly when they realize you are not playing.
  8. Janet

    Janet Well-Known Member

    Thanks Candi. I can't stand this CA (and Equifax for that matter) and thanks Betacredit for bumping me;)
  9. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    your welcome. i have actually filed the papers to sue two different collection agencies. As soon as i did that they both deleted with the credit reporting agencies. i guess some of them need to see that you mean what you say. be sure you have all your proof in case you actually do have to go to court.
  10. rondaugh

    rondaugh Well-Known Member


    Did you actually file and serve them or did you just send the intent to sue type letter after validation.

    What did you do to get your point across?
  11. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    i did actually file and sreve them, that got my point across. i would not do this unless you have proof of the violations though because they may call you on it..
  12. rondaugh

    rondaugh Well-Known Member


    I am getting the documentation together now, sent the validations crrr, they are not licensed or bonded in my state, and I have disputed with the CRA's.

    Once the 30 days are up I will send the estoppel and then file if they are not removed. They have been pricks up to now so I see no reason anything will change.

    Did you get something in writing from them before settling? What would keep them from waiting 6 months and putting it back on the report and you have to start all over again. Or like someone mentioned earlier, transferring it to another CA and the new one puts it on the cra's.

    I don't trust the scumbags any further than I can throw em. I don't owe this money and have proof but nobody cares about that. It's a shame you have to file suit to make these CA's and CRA's follow the law.

    What they don't realize is, I am the kind of person that would enjoy it if they did fight. Surrending without a fight would take the fun out of it so it is a mixed emotion for me.
  13. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    yes get it in writing. i doubt they would put it on your report again though because they would now know that you know your rights and you mean business. i wouldnt put it past them to sell it though. just be sure to get it in writing.

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