Last year I began organizing a type of Conference for consumers, consumer advocates and consumer attorneys similar to what you are attempting to pull together now. Due to personal issues in my life and dealing with my own FCRA Federal Court case, I was forced to drop the ball. However, while researching the type of support I would have, I found I had a lot of interest from national journalists, consumer attorneys and advocates that were willing to speak to some of our major concerns and/or cover our conference. We planned on putting a spotlight on the continual struggles we as innocent consumers are faced with while gaining insight and getting our voices as united consumers heard. If there is enough interest with consumers (credit-netters) I would be interested in making arrangements and setting up a conference that would include various schedules through-out a weekend long event in which consumers, advocates and consumer attorneys could speak to the issues we raise. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please email me at If the interest is their on the part of consumers, I would be happy to pick up the ball again and orgainize a 2002 Consumer Rights Conference that can get our voices heard. Once I have heard what type of consumer interest there is out there, I will keep you posted as to date, place, events and speakers I can line up. It's up to you! Denise Richardson
I think it's a good idea. Where would this be held? What of costs would be incurred? Such as registration, fees, conference costs, etc.? What time of the year are thinking of holding this conference? Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, etc.?
Date and place will need to be determined. Registration fees, rooms, etc. will be minimal in order to make it affordable to most consumers. There is a marked interest in topics such as Credit scoring, forced arbitration with creditors, identity theft, FCRA amendments, consumer protection laws, and U.S. court vs. small claims suits. Any other interests, please feel free to let me know. Also, feel free to let me know your choice of locations. Denise Richardson
Good idea! Please add a session on repossession. There is not a lot of information available. If creditnetters meet in Veags on 03/02 maybe could have a guest speaker.
Denise, If you've been following the other get-together threads, there was a brief east vs. west battle. Las Vegas won out, for the most part, for a creditnetters gathering. One of the points Psychdoc made, that should apply to your conference. A city that is easily/cheaply traveled to from most points. Doc recommended Chicago and Atlanta, Las Vegas also fits that bill.
How about DC? I know alot of the consumer groups are located here. Also, we have a couple of government agencies, too. Dani
How about FL! The scam captial of the U.S.? Anyway, I live here and I would only have to drive. Orlando would be nice, lots of conference halls, etc. Could make it into a family vacation........
Chicago is great city for conferences and many federal agencies have regional offices in the city. In addition great congress people who are consumer advocates. easy to fly in and out and hotels are reasonable