Frustrated, Confused, & FICO

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Calmest_LA, Jan 29, 2002.

  1. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I am so tired and frustrated over trying to improve my credit scores. They never go up. I keep reading posts of other creditnetters who have more negatives on their reports than I do, but their scores are significantly higher than mine!

    I just don't get it. I only have two negatives left...both less than $100.00, but no matter what I do my EQ remains at 605.

    Two years ago, I had 10 negatives and my EQ score was 560. Now I have two left, and my score is only 605.

    Some people with bankruptcy and tax liens have higher scores than me. This just doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever, and I'm beginning to think that something fishy is going on with these so-called FAIR credit scores.

    Well, thanks for letting me vent. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!

  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of credit. A journey into a wonderous land whose boundaries are that of Mr. FICO himself. Next stop, creditnet. .... Oh wait, you're already here. :)
  3. IncomeHelp

    IncomeHelp Well-Known Member

    Just keep trying and moving ahead day by day. Just like life itself. Success is a journey not the end.

    Hope that does not sound as bad as it looks. It takes time. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

  4. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel. I worked tirelessly on getting stuff removed from my report, only to see my score stay the same or go down for months on end.

    You say you've got 2 negs left, both under $100. Do you mean to say you have 2 collection accounts left? If so, that's it right there.

    I had *one* 5 year old collection account removed from my Equifax report and my score jumped 42 points. A week later I had a five year old R5 rated account removed--showing a balance still owed after all these years--and I didn't gain a single point.

    Collection accounts and charge offs have huge negative impact, unfortuantely.

  5. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    I had a $200 unpaid collection long ago. It was about two years old at the time that I bought my car. My FICO was 691. It looks like it is indeed possible to have pretty good credit with a single collection as long as it isn't recent.

    Pretty cool how I got it removed. I ended up paying the $200 to the apt complex to whom I actually owed the money and not to the CA. Later on, I disputed the tradeline saying that I had paid the debt before it went to collections. The CA contacted the apt complex who verified that indeed I had paid the debt. The tradeline was removed from all three CRA's. I got lucky that nobody bothered to check dates.

    I now have a zero derog report with all three CRA's.

  6. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    Do you have many positive accounts? If not, you may have to build some positive credit to build your score.
  7. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    In addition to what Karen said, you may also being using too much vs. how much you owe, just a thought, but you are right, fair isaac is anything but fair.
  8. gatita

    gatita Member

    you know, the FICO system is totally screwed (euphemized as "complex" by lenders). A friend of mine has PERFECT credit....and you know one of the 'reasons' her score isn't higher?(Actually, the score was good 690+ but still.)

    "not enough mortgage loans on file"

    WHAT?? stupid reason. She got so mad! She said "how can I get a mortgage if my score is low because i don't have a mortgage???"

    It's like a shell game, but I think there ARE secrets to this game. Like, low balances, no inquiries, etc.

    Want to turn this thread into a "FICO SECRETS" discussion??

  9. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    750 FICO, never a mortgage.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    A while back I posted many post about the Fico racket and how it screws us.
    Some on the board took offence at me for doing so.
    Lately I have seen many poster conferming what I've said in the past about credit scoring.
  11. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    503 FICO, lousy credit. But I'm trying!
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Sure it's nor FAIR ; but don't tell Dock that I said so.
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    614 Fico w/high balances and LOTS of inquiries, also an R5 (4 years old) Reasons: Last deliquency date unknown or too recent, too many inquiries, not enough mortgages, installment loans higher than average in my age group.
    I now have my balances down to 22% used, but I'm not gonna pull my report yet, cause I know they JUST updated with CE a few days ago and haven't updated TU, EQU is the last to get updated for me!
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*It's not the one that's screwed,we are!
    2*It's not like one it is one!
    3*You don't want to say to much against fico or you will be mocked and ridiculed like I was for speaking out against it.
    QUOTE]Originally posted by gatita

    1*you know, the FICO system is totally screwed

    2*It's like a shell game

    3*Want to turn this thread into a "FICO SECRETS" discussion??

  15. stringy27

    stringy27 Member

    My FICO was 600 on 1/5/2002. I checked today and it was 605 and the whole report was the same. My wife has had 1 credit card her whole life, never missed a payment. Paid off 1 vehicle, never a mortgage and hers is 784. With my 605 I have 2 charge offs, 2 Collections. All are being disputed.
  16. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

  17. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned


    What are the top four reasons given that the score is not higher?
  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: fundamentals

    As for favorites I don't think they have any.
    Any lame excuse that will result in a low score will do.

    G.F. they are coming out with more and more Reasons to keep your score down.
    Just read some of the later post on this board.
    They are inventing more and more outlandish excuses to lower your score.
    SEEMS their policy is once screwed always screwed!
  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: fundamentals

    NEW REASON CODE~~~"not enough NEW accounts".
  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: fundamentals

    Their list is endless.

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