Equifax disputes

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by steff45, Jan 30, 2002.

  1. steff45

    steff45 Well-Known Member

    I disputed 4 items online....told me to check back on 1/2 for status of disputes. I went a few days earlier...tried to start anohter investigation & the items that I previously disputed are not there for me to investigate.
    Is this because they are no longer on my report or because they are still pending investigation?
  2. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    In my experience, if the dispute is still been pending, they would still be there, just listed with the note: "Consumer disputes--reinvestigation in progress."

    As such, it's probably reasonable to assume that they have been deleted. Equifax should have sent you an updated copy of your credit report after their reinvestigation.

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I don't think steff45 is referring to the report itself. I think it's a reference to when you click on dispute and the items you are able to dispute online popup. I think they are not listed because the dispute is in progress. When you went through the pages to get there, did your other disputes show up? Like dispute filed 1/1 results due 2/1. If that showed up, then your dispute is still in progress, if it's gone, then your dispute is done. If so, call equifax and ask for the results.
  4. steff45

    steff45 Well-Known Member

    A few days ago I got the "investigation in progress" message, today I got the pop up box that you described....hopefully the updated report is on it's way in the mail so I can tell for sure.
  5. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Ahh I see. I forgot you could dispute online with Equifax since I'm not able to, so I misunderstood his question.

  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I went to start a new investigation for hubby and the message was gone and so were the collections in question BUT 2 days later we got the updated report and they were still there.(verified)

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