ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by girliegirl, Jan 30, 2002.

  1. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    OK - I am disputing with ASSet Acceptance a Target account. They have signed two green cards for validation and estoppel letters, yet they have not notated on any of my credit reports that this account is being disputed. Isn't this a violation? If so, what do I do now? I have copies of credit reports from all three CRA's to prove that they have not noted this. What is my next step? By the way, they have not responded to me and they only have four days left.

  2. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I am currently dealing with this company. They notated my accout as being in dispute and it is unrated. They have not sent me any correspondence.

    I haven't sent the estoppel yet, I'm waiting until next week. I am gathering information.

    File a complaint with the BBB, FTC, State AG in your state and their state. That is what I plan to do, if they do not remove it.

    Or, you could send copies of everything to the CRA.

    Then if they still do not delete after that file suit.

    You always have a legal option.
  3. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Well, I hate to hear that somebody else has to deal with their crap... but glad to know that I am not the only one who is going to do something if they don't play by the rules. Keep me posted as to what happens with your situation. Maybe we can pull a double whammy on them and sue them at the same time. :)
  4. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    Unfortunately no. Here's the FTC opinion letter on the subject (third paragraph):

    As long as they don't update the trade line, or report it as a new trade line, during the validation period without listing it as disputed, they are fine.

    Now, if the credit reports are listing the account as having been updated during the validation period by the CA, and they haven't noted it as disputed. Then yes, they are in hot water.

    I had a long discussion with a Trans Union supervisor just the other day on this subject. They even got their book and read me from the FCRA, and then read me the opinion letter. Was kinda funny--normally the phone jockeys think the FCRA is some kind of gun lobby.

  5. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    Interestingly, I just ran across this FTC opinion letter for the FDCPA, which is contradictory to what I posted above:

    Now that I reread the FCRA opinion letter, the world seems a bit odd to me. In the second paragraph, their use of the phrase "cease reporting" seems to indicate deletion of the line, but the third paragraph (specifically where they mention the collector "correcting the information") seems to indicate to me that the trade line would not be deleted during the dispute, simply correct at the end of the 30 days.

    I dunno, TU seems to think they don't have to provided they don't send in any updates. But the FDCPA letter seems compelling otherwise. I'd e-mail and ask him, he'll likely know for sure.

  6. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    By updating... what exactly does that mean? For the longest time, they have had a notation on there that said "Creditor unable to locate individual" (which is odd, since I have lived at the same address for 20 years and this was in 1995). They got the certified letter on December 6. After that, they put a note on there that they had just recently located me, changed the "status" date to 12/2001. Does this mean they updated it? Gosh, I am so green about all of this.
  7. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    If they updated the account after they got your validation letter, then they are undoubtedly in violation.

  8. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    So what is the quickest and most effective way to get them on this? Who do I contact... what do I do? I hate them sooo sooo bad. They are so nasty. I just want to nail them on this.
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    I've come to the conclusion that there is no fast way to clean this up! Collectch got my validation request WITHIN 30 days continued to collect, placed it on my report and when I called them on it and I said I would dispute with the CRA's they said they would verify it as correct!
  10. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    So what the heck do you do? I called Experian and asked for the date that they updated this account. They updated on December 8. They got my letter on December 6. So... if I were to file suit against them, what can I get them on? This really is not my account. My ex husband opened this account in my name (while we were married) and NOWHERE do they have my signature. I have asked twice now for something bearing my signature - nothing. They have not even responded to me. I want this permanently deleted from my report - but I would also love to make the *******s pay me something for putting me through hell.
  11. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    Contact and ask him if knows of an attorney in your area. You might also include a brief description of what happened to you and maybe he can give you of some idea where to go with it.

    If nothing else, send them an intent to sue letter stating the specific violations.

  12. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    File a complaint, they usually respond when other outside companies intervene.

    I can't believe, they notated the account "customer unable to locate consumer" on my credit too.

    I have used the same address for 14 years!!!

    I'd like to nail these people to the wall....scumbags.
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    They did the same thing to my hubby for a repo. Hubby called and said *I* can't locate them, *I've* lived at the SAME address for 5 years. EQU and EXP deleted first dispute, TU took a few choice words :)
  14. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    They have four days to respond to me and I know they won't. Even if they did, they have nothing with my signature on it. I am just gonna send everything I have to the CRA's and if that doesn't work, I am going to file suit. I have never sued anyone but never say never. I am not going to take their crap anymore. It would be different if it were really my account, but it is not and I have told them so and they still refuse to budge, so they will soon feel my wrath if they don't cooperate. :)
  15. dakota62

    dakota62 Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    ASSet Acceptance Corp are a lazy bunch, they hit your report then wait for you to respond. Highly illegal. They even welcome you to their "Family". They did the same " unable to locate consumer to me , then sent me a letter , jacked up the acct all to heck. Lowering the "BOOM" on these guys.
  16. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    Let me know how things turn out for you. I have never encountered anybody so nasty in all my life. They do not follow the law. They lie like dogs and they have harassed me like crazy. They are going down.
  17. Melissa

    Melissa Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    Me too. They just bought my charge off from dayton's/target which was only 742 bucks between both of them. They bought it and say I owe over 1400 bullshit. On top of that I opened that dayton's/target account when I was 17 which isn't legal anyway. I had been disputing them( Dayton's/target) and it came off my equifax report only to have this bloody assest acceptance corp buy it and put it back on again in August of this year. It is suppose to come off in Oct 2003 because it was charged off in Oct 1996. They have been sending me letters, settlement offers and other crap and of course they have unable to locate consumer on my report but their entry still says unrated on all of them. I hate these jack*sses.
  18. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: ASSet Acceptance VIOLATION ques

    You should go to their website. or a search under their name on google. You will find out alot information about them.

    They try and actually say they are not a collection agency rather a finance company. They even tried this in court and lost. I really don't understand how to read that stuff. I think the court sent it back to a lower court and I don't know what happened then.

    On their website they have the phone# and addresses for all of their offices. The CEO was voted Entrepeneur of the year for Michigan. It was nauseting all of the warm and fuzzy things they were saying about this company. I would like to get in touch with the reporter who wrote that article and expose them for what they really are.

    They added 100% interest to my collection too. To me they are worst that Gulf States.

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