Since I can monitor my Experian reports more daily, I seemed to notice that any inquiry cost me 4 points, however I have noticed that my score DOES not drop when I have one addedd to Equifax. I have been recording this for over th past six months. I ordered scored power a few months back and anytime I know they pulled Equifax I go check my score, inquiries have never lowered my score. A while back I did see a 10 point drop for new accounts, but that bounced right back after the account was rated paid as agreed as opposed to too new too rate. Again I am not sure why inquiries on Experian make you take a point hit, but as far as I can tell and have been seeing, Equifax doesn't deduct points so easily for inquiries, of course you can get denied for excessive inquiries, but scorewise it doesn't seem to take much of a hit.
Strange, I have been hit with 19 point drop with 1 more inquiry on my report - that is the only difference! This is via CreditExpert..
i was wondering, is there a way to find out how they score us? can we ask them how they do things, such as why an inquiry w/EX cost 19 pts and one w/EQ is only a couple. do we have the right to know?
The CreditExpert score is worthless. It's something they cooked up in the backroom to emulate a FICO score and therefore pacify consumers.