I wanted to have a few members responses on how they effectively dispute the inquiries on their report and their success rate. Which CRA did you dispute with? How many deletions? Which method? (meaning thru anotehr site, web, letter, fax, etc.)
I've disputed about 8 inquiries on CreditExpert (Experian) and they've all fallen off. The ones over a year old fell off in a few days and the ones that were recent fell off w/in 4 wks. Janet
I have had great success in getting inquiries removed from all three reports. Experian- I dispute online-anything that did not result in an account. I've only had 1 come back as verified. I disputed it the next month and it was deleted. Trans Union- I dispute online also. I only do a few at a time. I've gotten the standard "we don't dispute inquires letter" once. At one point they deleted every inquiry on my report, LOL. Equifax- (This is the report everyone pulls for me) I've had a total of 29 inquiries deleted. I disputed with the creditor. Hope this helps!
Janet - I just did CE recently.. where do you go to dispute the inquiries? What section is this in? Also, to clarify - when you guys say "online", which site are you referring to? Thanks..
I've had rotten luck disputing inqs. Equifax - via mail - disputed 3 inqs, two times, 1 removed. Experian - via CreditExpert - disputed 2 inqs, 3 times, all verified. TU - via TU online dispute, disputed 3 inqs, 3 times, all verified or "we don't do disputes letter".
Ender, I just went into "Requests for your credit history" and clicked onto the inquiry and went into request investigation and then I entered no knowledge of inquiry. It was easy. Now I only have 2 total for the last 2 years (I didn't dispute cuz I actually got accounts)<--(maybe later). Hope that helps! Janet
i have had about 30 inquiries deleted on Experian via snail mail or credit expert.. i have had about 20 inquiries deleted on Trans Union and waiting on a few more.. when ever they send me the we dont investigate inquiries i send them an intent to sue letter and they investigate... LOL none so far on equifax.. i just sent them my first intent to sue begining Jan... I havent heard back so Im waiting to see what happens.. It doesnt matter whether or not you have or had an account to dispute an inquiry. Dispute them all... raises your score drastically... one of my friends went from 628 to 715 on Credit Expert for having no inquiries.. My girlfriend went from 583 to 658 in one month by just losing all of her inquiries.. I have gone from 605 to 653 in just a few weeks by disputing inquiries.. kev
I just lost 4 of 6 today. I disputed 6 and 2 came back verified. The 2 that varified were from around April. 2 that fell off were due to do so anyway and the other 2 did not verify. One was from Dell.
Congratulations Hermit. Was this on CreditExpert or another bureau? Did you see any score increase? Janet
Janet: from creditexpert. Nope not one point of increase but I have lots of negitives still and hi credit usage so maybe that doesnt help.
I got 16 out of 19 deleted from TU online and 18 out of 20 deleted from Exp online. No luck yet with Equifax...they responded with "they don't investigate inquiries"...I just sent them an "intent to sue letter"...we'll see what happens. Anybody have any luck with disputing inquiries with Equifax?
On Credit Expert, It's the Request Viewed by Others I need to dispute, correct? I only have 4 there. Date: 01/28/2002 Date: 07/31/2001 Date: 04/18/2001 Date: 04/02/2000 Requests view by only you - all the entries there I assume don't hurt me, right?
Donna, quick question: How long after you got your standard "we don't do this" letter from TU did you go for it again online?? I've only tried once and got letters for both myself and hubby. I want to try again, but it's only been about a month or so. Should I wait a bit and try again, or should I do it now?
Re: Donna, quick question: Anybody have luck disputing them with your local affiliate office?? Choicedata (equifax) has such a fast turn around time, it seems like they have nothing to do at all, I doubt anything I try will get overlooked or passed over. I've just been too chicken to even try but I guess a letter won't hurt. All they can say is FAT CHANCE! lol newstdt