I'm about 2 days from being ready to file against a CA for numerous violations. Problem is I can't sue them in small claims because they do not have offices in this county. So how do I sue someone who is 2000 miles away? Do district courts have these same rules? If so, what are my options other than sending threatening (hollow) letters? TIA
It's a collection agency in Washington. Here's a cut/paste from my states FAQ on small claims: You or your attorney should go to the Small Claims Division of the District Court in the county where the person or business you wish to sue lives or has an office and file a Statement of Claim (Complaint) form. The clerk has this form.
You can file a civil suit anywhere, but keep in mind that they can request change of venue which requires a hearing if they do. Check with your Justice of Peace Office. We have had several suits filed which other party was out of state. Had a suit against walmart held in our court. Oh, needless to say I work for local JP office. Barbara, though laws may vary from state to state, I am from Texas