supposed to have the "you have 30 days to dispute..." language? I've gotten one from a CA that only has the standard "this is an attempt to collect blah, blah, blah...". I thought that according to section 809 of the FDCPA that CA's must include that notice in their correspondence with a debtor? I sfailure to do so a violation?
As I understand it, this only applies to the first letter they send. If it's not on the first letter, then yeah, probably a violation. -- cnswift
May be a small problem that I'm not sure if it is the first letter (it came back in June 2001) or not, but none are sent CRRR, so I suppose I might be able to claim that it was the first one that I received.
Ok...Do you mean that if we're going to dispute with a has to be within 30 days of first receiving the first letter? do u send it CRRR? Thanks Me
As far as I know, there is no expiration on requesting validation or disputing with CA. I send my requests to CA via CRRR because I don't trust faxes - at work faxes end up in trash next to fax machine all the time. I bet it's the same elsewhere.