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Progressive/ NCO

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by genmorr, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am not sure if I can fix this but here it goes, I had four small collection accounts with NCO over a period of 2 years from Progressive Insurance for Insurance cancellations. I have paid all 4. The guy at NCO told me he would delete when I was done paying the balances, but instead it is being reported at Paid in full, collection account. I called to ask what recourse I had since this was, of course, a verbal agreement (yes, stupid me, it wasnt in writing), but they said there was nothing I could do since it was a collection account that has been paid, and is being reported that way. The supervisor at NCO advised me that either I challenge it to have it deleted from my credit report or else Progressive would have to call them to have them remove it.

    So I call progressive. The first lady I speak to is very helpful, she calls NCO but while she claims they told her it would be deleted, my confirmation call did not confirm that. The next rep I speak to did not help at all, and told me basically sorry it will be on your report for seven years.

    So, is there anything I can do? Or do I just serve another seven years of purgatory for these paid accounts? I dont even know what basis I would challenge it on my credit report! It was just being reported on my Trans Union but I suppose now that I called to ask them about it they will report it on all three.

    I would appreciate any help you guys can give me!

    I no longer deal with Progressive (thank god)
  2. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Wow...I like Progressive. When I couldn't afford a monthly payment, they made arrangements for me that suited my budget.

    About NCO...have you sent a validation letter yet?
  3. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Can I send a validation letter if I have already paid the accounts?
  4. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem just over a year ago with NCO. The creditor was Wells Fargo. I got the same promise you did - pay it and it will be deleted. I did not get it in writing. In my defense, I had not yet found this board and did not know better.

    I kept calling both the creditor and the CA, reminding them of the promise. I finally got a nice person at the CA and another nice one at the creditor (I know there is at least one).

    Both agreed to a deletion because that is what was promised and both wrote me a letter to that effect. You just have to keep trying until you find that one nice person.

    I sent the letters to the CRA's and asked for deletion. TU deleted immediately. EQ and EX would not accept the info from me and insisted on contacting both the creditor and the CA. But, it was removed.

    The impression I got from the lady at NCO was that they get this complaint all the time and she knew I was telling the truth. She wanted to do the right thing.

    Another thing that may have helped is that Wells Fargo and NCO are part of the same company - at least, that's what they both told me.

    You now know the rule, but it worth repeating for the other readers: NEVER accept a verbal promise from a CA. They ALWAYS lie.

    I do not know who I dealt with at NCO.
  5. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Well I just called NCO for the seventh time and tried once again to appeal to their sensibilites to no avail. I guess I am going to file a report and challenge with the CBs but I guess I have learned my lesson, but Oh well. I was hoping there was something else I couldd do!
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    could you try to litigious nutcase letter??? do a search for it., I believe it is designed for paid collections.
  7. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    I just looked up that letter and I think that will work perfectly. Thanks so much!!!!

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