Bought ScorePower got CreditWatch 2

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by richard612, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    I just bought scorepower (and ONLY scorepower) and I ended up getting creditwatch as well! Got billed for it, too. I wrote to the address and haven't heard anything back. Anyone had this happen? Their consumer website doesn't work so well...

  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Creditwatch has a 30 day free trial. Did you use the credit watch and it has been over 30 days? That is the only reason I think they can bill you.
  3. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I've written 4 emails to over the course of the last month and not gotten a single response.

    I sent the emails via confimax to see when they received them. They obviously have some way to defeat confimax, because it appears that they were never read. I would call the 800 number.
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    A few months ago I ordered a score power and somehow it charged me 4 times in one day. I sent 17 emails to the same email address with NO response. I sent 3 CRRR letters showing my credit card statement. It took an act of congress to get the money refunded, I actually had to file for a chargeback on my credit card, so I charged back all 4, not just the 3 I was over-charged to make up for my $3.94 X 3 mailing letters to them. My point is GOOD LUCK, it may take you awhile. :)
  5. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    Simply dispute the charges on your CC. I guarantee that will get their attention.

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