On November 19th Equifax was 472. On January 12th it was 530. Today 1-31-02 I have 13 deletions since 11-19-01 and 1 account updated from R5 to R1 and showing as closed by consumer...score is down to 473. NO other changes, except 1 inquiry. If 1 inquiry brought me down 57 points when it took 13 deletions to bring me up 58 points something is SERIOUSLY wrong!! I am so pissed at Equifax I could just scream..they wonder why people go "postal" ??
Hi Christi, There IS something wrong with this FICO system. Like you, I have had major deletions, voer the past two years, and my credit report looks soooo much better. Only 2 negs. left. Well, guess what? My score has barely made a move in two years. I've gained a total of 40+ points...which is lousy, considering how many items have been deleted. I do everything my FICO report tells me to do, nothing works. If it says my ratios are too hight, then I pay off my cards...no points gained. If it says "too few open accounts" then I get a new one...no points gained. I hear others talk about bankruptcies, charge-offs, etc. who have scores MUCH higher than mine. My two negs. are less than $100.00 and five years old. I've been screaming for two years...no one cares. Calmest_LA
Well personally, I think checking scores constantly is counterproductive pyschologically. It can be useful to see how much effect a certain item had on your score, but really I don't want to know my score again until the time frame I have set up for myself. 14 months. At that time, I will reasses my scores, and see where I need to go from there. If they send me scores, then fine. I have too much to worry about now, with cleaning the report, building new trades, not including work and school. And with my scores this low, it really wont matter if they dent me now at 500 or at 550. Its sort of the same attitude I take with my investments.. if you look at your 401k every day, you will freak out, some days I have huge losses and other days I have huge gains, but its the long term goal that really matters. 1st round of Experian and Equifax went out today... wish me luck.
I'll wish you luck Radio ....but my whole point is that I can have 2 deletions on Experian and gain points, 2 deletions on TU and gain points. 13 deletions and a rating changed to positive gained points and get ONE damn inquiry and lose that many points...this is just EQ screwing with my head I think!! Geez I'm going psycho over this (no offense Doc)!!! It's a good thing I'm in Texas and headquarters are in Georgia. OK I'm done and I'm gonna chill about it..because I've already sued their lying, cheating sorry @$$ anyway!!
Christi, I feel what you're saying. I got my Equifax score up to 530 in December, had about 8 inquiries (5 of which happened when I was car shopping) that bought it down to 514. I thought when I got the victory over the collection company to remove two accounts from my report that that would boost my score. NADA, Nothing, ZERO! It didn't budge. Now I kinda feel that I could have left those accounts on because, apparently, it wasn't impacting my score at all.
It's PROGRAMMED to be a "LOSE~LOSE" system...when you pay off $30,000 in one month and lose points, SOMETHING IT REALLY WRONG!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ```````````````````````````````` The same thing is wrong with F I C O that is wrong with Bank robbery- theft- murder-stealing-swindling & all orher illegal acts -crimes or gyps. -------------------------------------------- ================================ ************************************* It's not some part of the act that's wrong but the act itself that's wrong! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Investments and fico are 2 different things. With Fico you are dealing with a scam that is rigged against you so that no matter what you do or don't do it works against you so that you will loose. If investments worked like I know that F I C O does I would pull every cent I have invested out of the market instantly.
My point was you can't look at the number every day, if you have a long term goal, it will drive you insane.
At least with investments you know the risk,however with Fico you have no more idea than the man in the moon. With FICO your chances of reching the long term gaol is doubtful at best.
You are correct here as to investments . fico is a different matter. I never check my Fico score. I don't have to to see how bad it is. FICO has taken care of that for me by rigging it!
Just read the post in this thread. How many of them were about increased scores? Don't look too promising does it? Doubtful don't mean can't;but the odds are not in your favor!
Well, don't discourage me! I know the thing is rigged, backwards, BS, etc. etc. But... I think there are things that we know on this board, that will improve scores, so I am trying for that... I want to be 620 by 4/1 2003, and I think this is obtainable... well Im going to at least try.
I don't understand how FICO works, but there must be some method to the madness, otherwise how would some people end up with great FICO scores? There must be some people out there with excellent scores. L
Nobody knows how F.I.C.O. works... You pay down your balances...you LOSE points. You get new cards, you LOSE points. Your accounts get older, you LOSE points. Dispute "BAD" accounts away, you LOSE points. LOSE~~~LOSE Nobody can ever get 800-850 F.I.C.O. points...IT'S A FIXED SYSTEM...