I have a collection agency, who has not filed on my credit report yet. I caught him within the first 30 days so since I disputed they havent done anything yet. Anyway, I sent them the first letter from the boards, with the request for them to fill out the information on the second page: something with my signature, who the client is, etc. Today they sent me back (way after 30 days of their receipt of the letter) a copy of my bill from the original creditor. It is a bill with most of the information I requested in the letter. Not in the format I sent them but if I hunt around the bill I can find all the info except: 1. What are the terms of assignment for this account? You may attach a facsimile of any records relating to such terms. 2. Have any insurance claims been made by any creditor or assignee regarding this account? YES/NO 3. Has the purported balanced of this account been used in any tax deduction claim? YES/NO 4. Please list the particular products or services sold by the collector to the debtor and the dollar amount of each: Now, the second problem is this. The amount due. The bill is dated 7/6/99. Nerxt to my name they have Value amount $620. Little further down they have another balance showing at $405. Little farther down they have Est Amount due $988.15. Go even a little further down and in the box labeled "Due From Patient" is says $0.00 HA! Ok so then over to the side they (the collection agency) have hand written in "Current Balance Due $103.50. So what do I do now. FIrst they didnt answer all that I requested. And second they just wrote in any amount for my current balance. Any suggestions for a letter? Thanks, Misty
unless they sent it to you crrr, i would send them the esto;pel letter and pretend like i never received their so called proof, especially since it came over thirty days since i requested the validation. send the estopple crrr.