Addicted? Or in Denial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jorgasm, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. Jorgasm

    Jorgasm Active Member

    I have been working on credit repair now for about a month and it's seems like I'm getting addicted!

    I find my self counting the minutes until 4 o'clock so that I can rush home to check the mailbox.

    Then, I run inside and get on the computer, and realize I still haven't set my keys down!

    At work, I catch myself logging on during breaks to check my credit report for any changes!

    All I can talk about is credit repair/ FCRA, and share what I've learned with everyone I know!

    Is this normal? Am I sick? Does anybody else feel this way?
  2. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    I sure hope it's normal, cause I'm the same way lol.

    I just keep telling myself it's a good kind of addiction, cause my credits getting better. ;)


    TU: 601 (+101) - EXP: 619 (+42) - EFX: 624 (+47)
  3. Jorgasm

    Jorgasm Active Member

    My poor fiance` has only been able to get on the computer once in the past two weeks!
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I'm in that boat with you :) I spend breaks at work or all available time going over a ledger I carry with me what I'll do when I get home. Do I have validations I need to mail or what was my CE today? I dream about hitting that submit button on Citibank (4 times accidentally) and getting 4 silver cards with $5K each. Man the vacation we would take and my plastic surgery would be paid It's so bad I eat dinner at a TV tray beside my computer desk some nites so I can catch up on messages while I eat. If it's a sickness, ALOT of us have it, but hey I don't drink, barely eat and can't have ANY sugar ever so I gotta do something right?
  5. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    I know I'm addicted.

    I started this month. Check out how many posts I have :)
  6. Jorgasm

    Jorgasm Active Member

    Credit Repair was the last thing I thought I could actually get "Addicted" to.. My moma warned about drugs and alcohol, but she never mentioned LOL
  7. Jorgasm

    Jorgasm Active Member

    At least it is a healthy addiction with benefits. Imagine.... if I put this much effort, dedication and passion into my job, I would probably be CEO by now!
  8. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I live to login to Creditnet.

    This is the main priority in my life at this point in time.

    I spend every extra moment here.

    I want to digitalize myself and live in the webserver!
  9. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    Hi My name is Melissa and I'm a Creditnet addict...:)
    I read every new post. I check creditnet before I check my email and, I also Check my mail (home)compulsively. But I'm ok with that...:)

  10. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    wow pbm must love this thread, every "webmasters" dream
  11. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Not that anyone would ever enjoy bad credit, but this whole credit repair thing is kinda fun. I told my wife that I have no idea what I'm going to do with all my free time when I'm finally in the 700's, but she didn't reply. From the note she left, it seems she left about five or six weeks ago. I never even noticed...

  12. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member


    That was a great one!
  13. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

  14. sweetchild

    sweetchild Well-Known Member

    I've only been here a little over a week and I can't believe how addictive it is....
  15. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    for real... while i am at work, this is my page. i just sit on creditnet while i am on the phone (conference calls) and between checking emails. I call it multitasking
  16. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    this board is the only way to get through the too-freakin'-long 30 day waits!

    Plus, at $80/year (for CE), it's WAY cheaper than any drug I've ever run across!
  17. caseybjone

    caseybjone Well-Known Member

    Do any of you find yourself absent mindedly playing with the simulators on CE imagining what kind of scores you might have some day?


    A journey of a thousand miles ends with the first step if you trip, fall and break your leg....let's be careful out there.
  18. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    I'm so addicted I've started let my job slip. So now I am on self-imposed punishment. I am not allowed to check creditexpert for one week and not allowed to check the status of my online disputes either.

    I can't wait when my negs fall off! You haven't seen a happy dance until you see killer hit the 600 club!
  19. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt!
  20. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    You all are too funny!!!

    I'm addicted too!!! Other people just don't understand. Especially ones that have good credit. I like telling people who have bad credit that they have rights, most don't believe me.

    I don't even check my e-mail for days, I forget. I'm always checking creditnet. It's so bad my 2 year-old daughter has learned how to turn off the computer!!!

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