I pulled my exp file after I received 2 deletions and my score is 600 points. I am out the 500 club!!!! Before my 1st dispute it was 580 after the deletions 600. I just got 2 new inquiries that I am going to dispute. They did a hard inquiry for the goodwill deletion and I recently used a cc I haven't in 5 years and they pulled a hard, both without my permission. So my score should be higher. Well, I've still got some work to do.
Congratulations Betacredit! I'm just waiting for mine to get out of the 500s, but Equifax is tough. Hopefully soon cuz I still have some disputes out. Congratulations again! Janet EX (590) EQ (537) TU (who knows??)
Please give details about the two deletions that cuased the point increase. CO's? Coll?, or late pays?
Arrow sold the chargeoff to another company and they sent the intial collection letter so I sent the validation letter. And they can't validate so they cannot put it on my credit report. Gulf State's sold to Asset Acceptance so it was a duplicate. But they were both listed, so I disputed and it was taken off. I disputed both as "not mine". Both were unpaid collections. I am fighting with Asset Acceptance now. They verified.....I've posted on them before.
BTW, thanks. I am sending off my 2nd round of disputes in the next few weeks. I only disputed 4 chargeoffs in the 1st round on experian. I can dispute Equifax online, yeah! Done it 2 times. TU I can do online but a local affiliate handles the disputes so I'm waiting to hear from them, it's due 2/11. After I finish my 2nd round on disputes, then I'll do a 3rd on just inquiries.
YAY! Congratulations, Beta! Keep us posted on ASSet Acceptance. I am having problems with them too. Congrats again!