Recently a member of the board revived a NanaC thread from last summer about companies that will grant credit after a BK. This was an excellent and extensive thread. What about the other comanies that simply will not do business with us past Bker's??? Here is my experience. Please be aware that I did not apply for every offer that arrived in my mail box - Post BK. The post BK preapproved offers I never applied for are: MBNA secured Orchard Direct Merchant's Bank The credit card companies that I applied to and was rejected due to any hint of a BK were... Discover - I even had a prior account with them. Fleet ExxonMobile Chevron - They will grant credit 5 years after filing. Juniper Generations Bank MBNA - They did send me a letter asking me to contact them as they were confused about the presence of discharged BK credit card accounts with no public record of the BK. I did not respond. Walmart - Or any company using Monogram Bank This is a short list due to the excellent information about the credit card companies on the board. I did not list any companies here that I discharged in my BK. Today, I have more credit than I need. Therefore, I am proud to say that I have not applied for any credit for 2 months. LOL Jim
American Eagle outfitters wouldnt give me one and neither would Target. My BK 13 was in 96. Both listed the reason for denial as BK. Misty
Target will approve w/bk. keep trying. To add to the list Chase hates bks. Monogram bank. NO go, no override anymore. BofA very leary. (I've heard override possible but haven't seen it). ANB cards auto deny on bk. I've been told they'll manually reverse after 24 mos of rebuilding positive credit but have no proof. anyone get approved w/bk? The notable exception is Washington Mutual's secured card. Their website says you'll get approved w/discharge... and ANB handles these cards (a back door into ANB cards???) Otherwise, no ANB w/Bk.
As Marie said - Keeping trying with Target. They are very BK friendly. As a side issue - and I hope I not incorrect here - I think ANB is Citibank.
I applied and was approved for three Retailers National Bank products with a bk-13 on file from 1996 Target Visa- 6k cl Target Retail- 300 cl Fields- Retail- 300 cl There has to be something else that is triggering the bk rejection. Best regards, Mirage
mabye it's within x time for the visa... or it's just score driven. My equifax is the worst report. Interesting. thanks for the information! Maybe I"ll reappy for the visa in a while.
I was rejected for a Target credit card. They were on my bk in 97. Customer service said it would have to fall off before asking for credit extention. In response to Jim's statement on ANB, ANB is listed on my credit report as Texaco, which was on my bk. Interestingly, it just appeared on my report this past year, almost 4 years after the bk.
Thanks for the info. I did a search on Target and it appears that they seem to give credit to people with BK's. I plan to apply after I find out if I got FCNB.
Thanx Ron, The lady I talked to was very encouraging. But I don't want to say I got it until I really got it. the limit may be small.
King, I had a couple of charge-off accounts about four yrs ago and they approved me. They gave me up 1.5 time of my deposit. After six months, they sent me a letter they can give me 2.5 times as much as my deposit. After six to eight months they sent me a letter to offer 2.5 times credit as my deposit if I made additional deposit. After ayear, they unsecured my account plus they increased my credit limit of the card. I had two card with FCNB (Visa,MC) and I closed it because I can get the prime card. The annual fee cost me too much to hang on the accounts. Right now I have the Speigel Card and Eddie Bauer Rewards MC with them. Ron.
Ron, You are a cool dude! Not once was i told about these offers to increase the credit limits. Maybe just to premature. But I really want FCNB. Do you think it would my chances if i called on Monday to check the status of my app.
King, FCNB is eaiest that I have seen and they approved me a secured card even I had more than half dozen charge-off accounts. My credit was screwed and they give 1.5 times credit limit more than my deposit. After a year, I kept my account good standing and they returned my deposit. They convert my account into unsecured status and they also increased my credit limit. I liked so much now I have Eddie Bauer MC and Spiegel from them. They will tell you your account has been approvred and sent in deposit. Ron.
It could also be a time limit issue post bk. some creditors will take you after 5 years post discharge. I'm well under that time limit. Although Target Visa did seem very score driven... so we'll see. In a year I'll reapply.
Marie, Please do apply for the Target visa when you feel comfortable to do it. Target pulled my Equifax file in November when the visa card was brand new to the public. This was my worst report. My score was about 677 - 680 at the time along with 30 good open and closed tradelines. However, the public record of my BK was still showing (later removed in December), along with 2 discharged BK credit card accounts from '98. Target gave me a $10K, 15.9% fixed apr. card. I negotiated the apr. down to 12.9% before I activated the card. Since Target has a free rewards program - this is one card I intend to keep. Since you like to negotiate; maybe you should contact customer service on the courtesy phone located in the local Target store and ask about their BK policy before you apply. BTW - Target deleted all evidence of my prior Guest card from all 3 CRA's. It is as if the Guest card never existed. This took me by surprise but is fully acceptable to me as I only got the Guest card in April and I do not want an account showing opened and closed in a 7 month interval. Best regards, Jim
For those who applied/denied then applied/approved... how long between applications? Well, I actually did apply about a month ago. denied. they pulled Equifax which is my worst report for errors... 615. the other 2 are 732 and 692. The Equifax screwups on limits is KILLING the score. Plus they've arbitrarily deleted positive accounts that I never disputed... Equifax is showing 4 new account errors, no limits, they've fixed my 800 Target limit at 115... you get the idea. they've purposefully screwed my score. I did try for an override. they said there's nobody who can physically look at it so I think it's completely score driven. IF I could get them to pull another report I think I'd get it. Funny... they said they'd have offered me a Target card if I didn't already have one I tried to find out what Equifax score they got/ and what was needed. No go. I'm going to have to go after Equifax again so after the new errors are corrected... or after my file is offline... I'll apply again.
Marie, I got denied at the first time because somehow they found out I had a charge-off account from Mervyn with them. I waited half a month and I got approved Target Visa for $8500 with APR 15.9%. I called them back a couple of times to lower my rates to 12.9% fixed. They pulled credit from Equifax. Ron.
Does anybody else know of any credit cards NOT to apply for when you have been bankrupted? I am rebulding and don't want to waste my time or inquiries. I know that Jim, Marie, Ron and I are not the only people on the board who have had to deal with this. As the low man on the totem pole here, I need the help.