Authorized User

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bigjim, Feb 1, 2002.

  1. bigjim

    bigjim Active Member

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me the effects of being an authorized user on someone else's credit card. I am trying to improve my scores and I was wondering if this angle might help if the account has an excellent history.
  2. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    Kinda funny, I had my wife add me on her cc last night for the same reason. According to the rep at mbna, it will not affect my profile either way. It doesn't really matter to me though, just as long as I have something on there that's recent. All my lines are over 3 years old.
  3. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    You get their positive history. but if they screw up it shows up too. the good thing about an au is that, if they screw up in the future, you can complain you're just an au and normally get it off the report.

    it's the only thing that really works in your favor. not all banks report au's but most do. check with the bank to see before bothering.

    once you've reestablished you may want to take yourself off the au because their credit line will be included in your total credit to income calculations... later you may look like you have sufficient credit when you're just an au...

    so most people use this for a time then later take themselvers off.

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